Home » today » Technology » Windows XP is still dominant in this country. It runs on more than half of the PCs

Windows XP is still dominant in this country. It runs on more than half of the PCs

While in our conditions we decide if the operating system is better Windows, 10 or 11, there are parts of the world for which the term Windows has a completely different meaning. According to statistics from StatCounter, which was pointed out by the server WinFuture, there is one state on our planet where it still cheers on the old Windows XP system.

Windows XP does not belong to the scrap metal, at least not in Armenia

That country is Armenia. Not only the popularity of the system from 2001 is surprising, but also the number of computers on which the old system still works. According to statistics, 53.5 percent of Armenian computers run on Windows XP, which is an unusually high number.

windows xp still more popular th
For many Armenians, this view is a common part of life

In addition to questions about how modern versions, such as Windows 7, may not have taken hold in Armenia, security concerns are also emerging. Patches for Windows XP are no longer released that Friday (specifically since April 2014), and therefore more than half of the computers in the country are at risk of more or less known bugs.

Windows XP runs on more than half of Armenian computers

However, switching to a newer system will not be easy. It is very likely that the old operating system runs on similarly old hardware, which may not be compatible with newer Windows. For many people, the price of a new computer can also be an obstacle. But there is definitely no reason why the Armenians did not know newer versions of the operating system from Redmond – the second most popular system in the country is Windows 10 with a share of 32.8 percent.

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