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Windows 10 Sun Valley – Changes the familiar Windows icons

After a somewhat lukewarm reception for Windows 8, Microsoft returned to the drawing board during the development of Windows 10. They have fixed the biggest problems several had with Windows 8, but the tier still does not feel completely finished with a unified user interface throughout the operating system.

The refresh of Windows 10 has, among other things, led to new Office icons, as well as the fact that most Microsoft apps have been given a new look, and now it seems that Microsoft is taking on Windows File Explorer, which has not really happened much in recent years.

Tests design changes

In an update to the Windows testers this week, new icons appeared in File Explorer. The icons for Pictures, Music, Desktop, Downloads, Video and Documents have been properly overhauled and are of the colorful variety.

The Windows C: disk has also been given a new icon and so have the icons in the left margin, as well as the Recycle Bin.

Below you can see how the appearance of Windows File Explorer has been updated this week with “old” on the right and new on the left.

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