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Windows 10, CCleaner becomes potentially unwanted application, review

The CCleaner utility has a problem with the Windows 10 operating system. Microsoft Antivirus considers it a potentially unwanted application (PUA). What’s going on?

CCleaner is one of the most popular cleaning utilities on Windows. In the past this success has explained its use as a vector of malware infection.

CCleaner infection, the case grows in importance, results

This detection as a Potentially Unwanted Application does not seem to be related to this hypothesis. At least this is the most common idea, but Microsoft has not confirmed anything.

The firm only precise that CCleaner is detected as a PUA: Win32. This inglorious title triggers the automatic deletion of its files. We have no further details and no explanation.

Windows 10, Microsoft doesn’t like CCleaner

We only know that this type of software is not appreciated by the giant. In one of his documents de support technique, he explains that they can be a source of Windows malfunction.

“Some applications, like registry cleaning utilities, suggest that the registry needs regular maintenance or cleaning. However, serious problems may arise when you modify the registry using these types of applications. These issues may require reinstalling the operating system due to instability. Microsoft cannot guarantee that these problems can be fixed without a reinstallation because the extent of the changes made varies from application to application. ”

Regarding CCleaner, we have to go back to 2015, just a few months after the launch of Windows 10. At the time Microsoft’s position was simple. It was not recommended to use it.

Windows 10, Beware of Ccleaner, negative impact on performance and stability?

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