Around noon today, 35.3% of the energy production was generated by solar energy, with which 18% of the maximum capacity was used.
(2.62 out of 7.43 Gigawatts)
Wind provided 38.6% of the energy needs, using 36.8% of the capacity (2.87 of 7.8 Gigawatts)
Only 3.2% was powered by gas (using 1% of capacity) and 0.5% by coal.
The remaining +/- 20% was imported from Belgium and Great Britain.
And what have we done with that electricity? Well, we have exported almost half again to Germany and Denmark!
Apparently a beautiful windy day on the North Sea where the Netherlands served as a channel for offshore wind farms 🙂
(It’s also nice to see how the gas plants get bigger as the sun goes down. The two are really complementary to each other right now. Too bad Putin had to interrupt this point of the transition if necessary, on the other hand, I just hope for a ‘acceleration).
[Reactie gewijzigd door Keypunchie op 19 oktober 2022 21:53]