Prince William and Catherine Midltone are looking for a new housekeeper, but this job will not be reliable for everyone, the Daily Mirror reports.
According to the media, the housekeeper will be able to visit Buckingham and Windsor castles, as well as travel with members of the royal family.
The job advertisement states that the new employee will have to be able to respect “confidentiality and discretion”. Although the main job responsibilities will be in Buckingham or Windsor Castles, there will be the opportunity to work in other royal family residences for at least three months a year.
The employee will have to make sure that his passport is always valid and that it is possible to travel with members of the royal family.
This vacancy has been described as an “exciting opportunity”. Candidates must be able to learn new skills and be prepared for challenges. 13 months of training with a mentor will be provided before the new candidate joins the service staff.
After the training, the new housekeeper is expected to be able to meet “high standards” and be able to replace more experienced colleagues if necessary.