King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima have been married for 21 years on Thursday. The anniversary was sealed in the morning with a love lock in the Curaçao neighborhood of Punda.
The king thinks it is “fantastic” to be able to celebrate his wedding day in Curaçao. After fastening the padlock, Willem-Alexander pretended to swallow the key.
On the Handelskade, known for its colorful buildings, there are two large hearts on which love locks can be hung. One of the hearts had been emptied earlier, especially for that of the royal couple.
On Wednesday it was already visible that the heart had just received a new lick of paint. “No locks here please. All locks will be removed,” read a note attached.
According to Curaçao media, a lock was still attached to the emptied heart on Thursday morning. The lock has been removed.