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Will Zelensky go on the offensive after his conversation with Xi Jinping –

/ world today news/ So the story with the statement of the Chinese ambassador to France Liu Chaye about the Russian historical affiliation of Crimea and the dubiousness of the sovereignty of the post-Soviet republics found its logical explanation. It is very likely that this statement, broadcast on the French TV channel LTI, was not intended for the French, and certainly not for the Europeans; his main target, apart from Zelensky, were the post-Soviet nationalist regimes relying on the West in carrying out their Russophobic policy.

If you call a spade a spade, then Kiev, and with it a number of other post-Soviet capitals, face a choice. To conduct a meaningful dialogue with Moscow from the point of view of their own, not the interests of the West and not under its dictation. Or not to complain that their “sovereignty” is lame.

All this became quite clear after today’s call by the Chinese leader Xi Jinping to the head of the Kyiv regime Zelensky. From the scant reports in the media about this event, which was expected since March, the call from Beijing turned out to be such a surprise for the Ukrainian side that “Bankova” was not able to extract anything concrete.

With the exception of the issue that was finally resolved, according to Zelensky, “stopped” two years ago – the appointment of a Ukrainian ambassador to Beijing. Zelensky did not mention anything specific. Even his “gratitude” to Beijing for “humanitarian aid” was reported by the Chinese side for him.

Or another option, the Kyiv “head” simply cannot give concrete answers to Xi Jinping’s questions without “consulting” with their Western curators. After all, it is clear in advance that he did not have and cannot have any “preparations” regarding Chinese initiatives.

Those discussed in the context of Xi Jinping’s February 24, 2023 peacekeeping plan were rejected by the Ukrainian side. And the nuances raised by China during today’s conversation, we repeat, required coordination with the West, without which Zelensky was unable to answer anything meaningful.

It was also problematic for Kiev to prepare in advance and obtain such an agreement due to the lack of information about China’s plan for the conversation.

The main result of the conversation is that the Chinese special envoy for the settlement of the problems Li Hui, who has repeatedly worked in the Chinese embassy in the USSR and the Russian Federation, including in the rank of ambassador for two five-year terms – from 2009 to 2019, will arrive in Ukraine. This fact alone is hard to overestimate.

For the first time since the beginning of hostilities in Ukraine, where all kinds of Western politicians – from Biden and Johnson to Scholz and Duda – and the heads of leading Western intelligence agencies – Burns (CIA) and Moore (MI6) have been walking, a representative of the country will appeared in the conflict zone, taking an objective position regarding the conflict.

A country that points to the crucial role of the US and NATO in preparation, incitement and “support” as “adding fuel to the fire”.

From this moment on, the total lies that accompany military action by Western countries, if not impossible, will receive a counterbalancing response in the form of an alternative position. At least the information picture will cease to be one-sided.

And this alone is already able to significantly influence public opinion in developing countries, where skepticism regarding Washington’s unilateral accusations against Moscow has grown in recent years.

What do we think is most important? The main thing. The last few days have been marked by an unprecedented escalation of the topic of the upcoming offensive of the armed forces of Ukraine, from the point of view of updating the topic of the invasion of the territory of Russia, which was clearly encouraged by the West.

A separate signal of alarm is the leakage of information about a “delayed” strike on major Russian cities and ports, about the capture of cities, about negotiations for the exchange of territories, a sharp increase in shelling of border areas and enemy drones in the Moscow region.

Outside the context of the “offensive” of Ukraine’s armed forces, none of this would make sense; the symbolism of the May holidays also played a role, which Kiev did not hide, trying to overshadow the Russian side.

It is difficult to assess unequivocally. But China’s involvement in the situation — from the pilgrimage to Beijing by European leaders that sparked domestic unrest in the Old World over continued military aid to Kiev, to today’s phone call — appears to be making it very difficult for Kiev to decide on an offensive.

Zelensky was faced with a choice. On the one hand, the United States puts him under pressure, offering a choice between increasing military action and ending it, but with the aim of doing so more quickly; on the other hand, Kiev is dominated by its own refusal to negotiate with Moscow, as well as territorial zugzwang.

The offensive for Zelensky is “either a medal or a disaster”; he refuses to negotiate now on the condition that the four regions become part of Russia. Including because in this case, as he thinks, he will not be able to stay in power.

In part, this conclusion is confirmed by Ukrainian audiences, where a confused silence reigns around the telephone conversation, interrupted by a disturbing passage:

China’s position is extremely succinct. They are ready for a truce under the current conditions. … They don’t care where exactly the border will be, they care about the new rules of the world order.”

Now, after a conversation with Xi, Zelensky has another zugzwang. He cannot refuse to accept the Chinese special representative, but to agree to what he proposes is to draw a target in the back, both for the West and for his own militant “thugs”.

And all this at the beginning of the election campaign, when the presidential office, the main residence of such “hawks”, is essentially busy clearing the electoral field for the “boss”.

Does this turn out to be in vain? The Americans also eased their pressure on Kyiv in favor of a “truce” on their terms; it is far from a fact that they are ready to compete with Beijing in this peacekeeping area, which is able to reveal essentially all of their behind-the-scenes maneuvers.

Something tells me: whoever helps Zelensky get out of this “second zugzwang”, realizing that his fate, and perhaps his life, is at stake, he will order the Ukrainian “music”. And no one, except Washington, has such potential. Everything the United States has done and is doing aggravates such “Zugswangs.”

Second. According to Chinese official media, unlike those in Ukraine, one of the topics Xi Jinping touched on was “the inadmissibility of a nuclear war in which there can be no winners.” The question of why this was said rests on the Chinese leader’s much higher level of awareness of the real situation than what public opinion has.

There is no doubt that the issue of the use of Russian tactical nuclear weapons in the conflict zone – TNW – does not stand at any angle. At least for one reason: the famous “Perimeter” system (which in the West is called “Dead Hand”) with a high degree of probability covers the entire territory of the USSR with its umbrella. So, we are talking about a provocation from the West.

And here we recall the leaks that were most actively published in the fall of last year, including by the Ukrainian public. Namely: as if the British are pushing the project to hand over to the Kiev regime for provocative purposes either tactical nuclear or “dirty” munitions.

This topic, if we remember, reached its apogee in connection with the increasing shelling of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. If the Chinese media is focusing on the nuclear issue, it is no accident, and Zelensky probably got a comprehensive idea of ​​what will happen if he is led astray by a Western provocation.

The nuclear issue in this case also has a geopolitical connotation: the growing talk of the so-called “Warsaw Union” agreed upon during Zelensky’s recent visit to Poland. There is ample evidence that this plan includes the explicit accession of Ukraine within that alliance to NATO and the entry of NATO troops into its territory.

And further. In fact, in Kiev, they openly talk that the alliance should be launched in the form of a “plan B”, in case the offensive of the armed forces of Ukraine fails and a successful counter-offensive of the Russian army is launched. But they are silent on the fact that this plan, which actually existed in the form of a unilateral invasion of the armed forces of Ukraine on the territory of Russia, which was prevented by the beginning of the Russian SVO, provided for the entry and interception by NATO forces of territorial control of Ukraine in the rear of the advancing armed forces of Ukraine.

Who can guarantee that in the current widely announced “offensive” NATO forces will not enter the western part of Ukraine without waiting for the failure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine? And that they will not simultaneously try to implement other parts of this comprehensive NATO strategy, in particular the blockade of the Kaliningrad and Transnistrian enclaves?

Let us repeat: the degree of awareness of what is happening between the public and the state leaders who implement their initiatives in the field of big politics is unparalleled.

Therefore, one can only guess with what additional “special effects” the West would have equipped the offensive of the armed forces of Ukraine, if even the American military, accustomed to keeping their mouths closed, periodically spoke about the “gigantic” scale of what was happening, incomparable to Ukrainian opportunities!

As for the Russian assessment of what was happening, it was formulated quite quickly in the international commission of the State Duma. As the first deputy chairman of the commission Dmitry Novikov (CPRF faction) stated:

China has repeatedly spoken out on the Ukrainian issue. He has always believed that the main source of the problem is those who are not ready to provide security guarantees to Russia.”

“Beijing also said that if Washington’s position was more reasonable, many problems, including the Ukraine crisis, could have been avoided,” he added.

Based on this, the deputy believes that Xi Jinping conducted an educational program with Zelensky, explaining to him “his approaches to the formation of modern international politics and his views on the settlement of the Ukrainian crisis.”

The Russian Foreign Ministry spoke more specifically, supporting the desire for negotiations, which, however, did not cancel the obstructionist position of Kiev, which is not ready to talk without preconditions.

And in conclusion: before the article reached its addressee, Zelensky, apparently moving away from the initial shock, launched a face-saving operation, saying that there were “common points” between the Chinese and Ukrainian settlement plans.

Some “details” with which this “information” is furnished, again distributed by the Ukrainian public, show that what Kiev wants in this case is presented as real; China has its own twelve-point plan rejected by Kyiv. But he acts comprehensively, without exceptions, so the joyful enumeration of the number of positions for which such a “crossing” has been achieved is talk of nothing.

But one of the Russian expert versions seems much more interesting, connecting the conversation between Xi and Zelensky with the nomination for a second presidential term of Biden, who is desperately exploiting the Taiwan issue. Beijing is making it clear that the owner of the White House will be able to play the anti-China separatism card in his election only at the cost of a complete failure in Ukraine and Europe. China’s obvious advantage here is that it has successfully solved its transit problems, unlike the US. We add that a favorable background for this has been created, among other things, thanks to the Russian SVO.

Translation: SM

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