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Will you give her 42 years?


Liliana Valentinova Popova, better known as Liyana, is a pop folk singer. She was born on September 12, 1980 in Sofia. She only released her first album at the age of 14 together with her father, composer Valentin Popov. The album is called “Pirinsky Visions” and includes entirely folk songs. The singer has three other solo albums in her career: “Heart of Stone”, “Platinum Woman” and “Like a Witch”. Here’s what she shared earlier “Bulgaria today”:

– Liana, what’s new around you?

– I have decided to restart my career. The music I make is the music I like. I decided to be 100% myself in my songs, emotions and expression. It doesn’t matter what people say or if they bring me income. My daughter Denise is a second year journalism student at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. He is making my dream come true. I started singing from an early age and at her age I was pregnant with her. Denise had excellent matriculation results and had the opportunity to choose majors that people fight tooth and nail for. We stopped at journalism. I believe she will become a good, objective and strong journalist.

– Do you live with her?

– We don’t live together, but we are close. I have complete faith in her and left her alone to manage her family, to form habits that will strengthen her character and teach her to be responsible for her. At her age, I worked and supported my family during pregnancy. You have the privilege of studying and doing nothing else. I really like studying and high grades.

– Your last song was out recently, how’s it going?

– I played the song “Bravo, bravo” two months ago – in no time, because people were on vacation, but I just follow my impulses and my mood. I don’t care how many views it will have, nor if it will be in pubs. However, the song garnered quite a few views.

– Do women recognize themselves in your songs?

– I created my own trend. People know that when I release something, it will be part of my story or an episode told by a loved one. Most people find a little bit of themselves in the music I make. They won’t go crazy for my song, but it will either bring back a memory or it will touch their heart.

– Many people contact you for advice?

– Much! Many people write to me and turn to me as a friend – as a person who can give them some answers to what is tormenting and turning them on – like a psychologist! I am often asked how to take courage, get out of a pathological relationship and start over. I try to answer everyone, but there are so many questions that sometimes I can’t.

– You have a large audience of followers. Do you often publish sponsored posts?

– My Instagram is not advertising. I don’t want to lie and mislead the people who follow me. Many little girls are misled by advertising, they learn to use various medicines and all kinds of junk advertised by people they love, and at some point their health goes to the movies. I’m not against influencers, but I’m interested in the truth of the information.

I try to give faith to all the girls that they shouldn’t put themselves in shots and limit themselves. Just because we turn 30, 40, 50 or older doesn’t mean life stops. We can be young and look better than we did at 20, and we can be relevant in a wonderful way even at an age where most people stop!

I want the Bulgarian woman to be a little more self-confident, have more self-esteem and know that even without cosmetic procedures and surgery, she can look good. Never compare yourself to others. Youth is beautiful, but truly beautiful are those who preserve their souls and are committed to their health, because health rewards us by giving us good looks, and that’s exactly what I want to show.

– What’s your recipe for good looks?

– A healthy lifestyle is the longest-term investment. My sports field is the forest, my vitamins and my detox are healthy food and the fact that my soul has always been there somewhere around 20 years old. This is my recipe for girls.

– What are your best moments in recent years?

– The emotions I feel around my daughter. Her birthday, her successes, everything around her is my victory. I can’t be so happy about anything else. I know I have certainly done well in at least one thing in my life. I can’t evaluate anything else.

– How do you keep the whole family so close?

– This is the thing that our grandmother, may God forgive her, left us as a testament. We grew up in a family cooperative in Sofia: me, my sister, Koceto and Svetlja, my cousins. All the families lived together and there was no division with us. We are all a complete whole and Grandma raised us in such a way that at no time should we turn our backs on others. Our connection is inexplicable to many people. Unfortunately, few people have grown up with such love for their loved ones, and to this day, if we don’t hear from each other 10-15 times a day, it wouldn’t be a normal day for me. My friends and the environment are my family. God grant that our children love each other like this.

– What is happening to you personally?

– At the moment, my personal life is very quiet. Everything my heart longed for, and everything I thought impossible to live in these days and ages, I now possess. If a person truly believes in something, God gives it to him!

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