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Will we soon no longer need THAT in the supermarket? – wmn

There has been for years in the supermarket again and again changes to the cash registers. There are some things that have changed in the supermarket in recent years, from self-service checkouts and new packaging systems. With this innovation, you will soon be able to save an enormous amount of time in the supermarket.

This system is used at the checkout

For a while you can be in the American Amazon-Supermarkets no cash register find more. The payment is easy through beforehand Weight sensors on the shelves, Cameras and artificial intelligence solved. All you need is an Amazon account.

Particularly creepy: In some branches, a hand vein scanner can identify which one Amazon-Customer is behind it.

Now the supermarketchain Rewe decided to implement the concept as well. But for now only on a branch in Cologne. But if you don’t trust the technology, you can also pay at conventional cash registers in the market.

There are other ways to make shopping easier. This principle is intended for Aldi implemented.

This is how the technology was tested

The concept of the “Pick & Go” market became complete tested for five months. For this purpose, over 300 employees have bought over 15,000 items. It was checked whether that System also recognizes when goods are on hold will. Now it works and can be used.

How many jobs will be lost as a result

If this concept becomes established in every supermarket in the long term, many will Jobs lost go right? After all, there is about that 3600 ReweBranches throughout Germany, where numerous cashiers work.

The same discussion has already been held at the self-service checkouts. They only serve as a Supplement to the normal cash registers for people who are in a bit of a hurry. This does not necessarily mean that all cashiers will sooner or later lose their jobs. However, in retraining in some cases probably more necessary.

More about the supermarket:

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