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will Ukraine and Europe freeze without Russian gas – the expert told – TSN Exclusive – tsn.ua

Ukraine and EU countries do not need to hope for a comfortable winter.

Russia is ready to turn off the gas valve, and there will be a certain deficit in the European gas market, so Ukraine should carefully prepare for the onset of the winter period. The EU countries have already started preparing for the winter without blue fuel from the Russian Federation.

About this in interview TSN.ua was told by an expert on energy issues in Ukraine, President of the Center for Global Studies “Strategy XXI” Mikhail Gonchar.

“That, that the Kremlin is fully prepared to cut off the gas supply Europeans, Ukrainians, it seems that even the European Commission, which has always traditionally doubted, as well as the German government no longer doubt this. Because everything is now an alarm (alarm – Ed.), everyone is getting ready for winter without Russian gas and it is obvious that now everyone has seen the light. Even 20 years ago, it was said that Russia uses gas, energy resources and oil too, as well as pipelines on the way to deliver them, as a weapon,” he said.

Mykhailo Honchar notes that Ukraine can still prepare for the winter period, but it is not worth hoping that it will be comfortable.

Whether we freeze or not depends on us, on the measures that can still be prepared. to the onset of the winter period. That is, we have a supply of 3-4 months and this is important. But do not hope for a comfortable passage of winter. This will not happen, neither here nor in Europe,” he says.

According to the expert, there will be a certain shortage of gas in the European gas market.

“Since November 25, 2015, Ukraine has not been buying a single cubic meter of gas from Gazprom, and nothing new has happened and will not happen here. We will traditionally take gas from European suppliers. Of course, it is better for us to stock up on gas from our own production, since there will be a certain shortage on the European gas market. Although here I would not overestimate the situation now. Firstly, no one knows how cold the winter will be, but, of course, you need to prepare for the worst case scenario, that it will be cold,” says Mikhail Gonchar.

He adds that Europe has already begun to prepare for the passage of the heating season without Russian gas.

“But let’s remember that on the eve of last winter of 2021-2022, there were many almost apocalyptic forecasts that without Russian gas, Europe would freeze, because there was not enough of it to pump it into gas storages. Gazprom was pumping gas from storages, instead of upload there, but nothing like that happened, because the United States transferred a small part of liquefied gas to the European market and it turned out, although not enough to bring down gas prices, but no one in Europe froze. That’s why Now there are certain information-psychological manipulations, but they have a real basis. Therefore, we need to prepare with such a German approach – discipline and order, and go through the heating season. In Europe, they have already begun to prepare for this,” the expert stated.

Recall that the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen urged the EU to prepare for a complete halt in Russian gas supplies.

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