Home » today » World » Will the street save Palestine? – 2024-04-16 22:48:49

Will the street save Palestine? – 2024-04-16 22:48:49

/ world today news/ Western journalism is nervous in its attempts to combine its ordered agenda and the appearance of objectivity

With regard to the tragedy unfolding in Gaza, as bravura as Tel Aviv’s triumphant reports from the bloody ruins may sound, pro-Israel lobbyists are already laying straw where the protesters can end the bloodlust of the Jews.

What can end is not the inert world community with its half-dead system of institutions of power, clumsily raising its eyebrows and waving a pointer in the direction of Gaza, but rather the streets of the capitals from Paris to Washington – those who will soon go to the polls in USA, Germany, Great Britain, Finland, Czech Republic, Spain, European Union – and by the way – also in Israel.

While the pro-Israel lobby actively slanders the Palestinians around the world, Germany is sending Israel 303 million worth of military equipment, 10 times more than in all of 2022. In Canada, Palestinian-Canadians who are speaking out about the root causes of October 7 and advocating for the recognition of the State of Palestine through UN General Assembly Resolution 181, have been labeled a threat to the security of Canadian Jews.

However, the waves of Israeli hatred towards the Palestinians have already receded. Reuters reported that more than a thousand officials from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) have signed an open letter urging the Biden administration to lobby Israel for an immediate ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas.

A memo from the Dutch embassy in Israel was “leaked” to the press, infuriating left-wing Dutch lawmakers who immediately demanded a parliamentary debate. The note from the embassy’s military attache said that the Israeli army “deliberately causes widespread damage to infrastructure and civilian centers” in Gaza. The attache considers the destruction of the Hamas group to be “practically impossible”, and the brutal behavior of Israel, according to him, is an attempt to “show military force to show Iran and its proxies, like Hezbollah, that they will stop at nothing.”

Against this background, the Western media suddenly unanimously declared that the decision to create two states for Palestine had long been a “joke” on the sidelines of the United Nations. They are not bothered by the fact that this decision is the agreed framework for solving the problem between the UN, the EU and most of the world’s countries and regional organizations, with the exception of Israel, the United States and a handful of Pacific island nations on which nothing depends, but not are dependent on the United States.

The American magazine CounterPunch writes that the director of the New York office of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Craig Mohiber, when he left his post, said in a letter to the United Nations High Commissioner in Geneva, Volker Turk, that he believed that “a two-state solution is now impossible and undesirable.”

Mohiber’s letter states bluntly: “The mantra of a two-state solution has become an open joke in the corridors of the United Nations, both because of its absolute impossibility in reality and because of its complete failure to take into account the inalienable human rights of the Palestinian people.”

“But how, why did it happen?” – Al Jazeera asked him.

Mohiber elaborated: “When people talk outside of official positions, you hear more and more about a one-state solution. And that means we start defending the principle of equality, human rights instead of these old political slogans. It would mean a country where you have equal rights for Christians, Muslims and Jews based on human rights and the rule of law.

The media immediately found confirmation of this statement in the words of Hanan Ashrawi, the first woman elected to the PLO Executive Committee. In May 2021, during another Israeli massacre in Gaza, Ashrawi said: “I think the two-state solution is dead. This agenda was destroyed by Israel because Israel did not fulfill any of its obligations… Israel felt that it could just say “we are in the middle of negotiations” or “we are negotiating” or whatever. And in the same time to continue stealing more land, more resources, building more settlements… and to continue killing, destroying and generally carrying out the overall plan of ethnic cleansing.”

It is clear that the Palestinians supported this idea only because they did not want to cede even one inch of their land to the occupiers. And they only agreed to a two-state solution in 1993, when the largest party in the Palestine Liberation Organization, Fatah, did so in exchange for Israeli recognition of the PLO as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.

At the same time, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) committed itself to the idea of ​​creating a single state and was persecuted by Fatah as a result. Hamas, meanwhile, has historically been primarily concerned with the creation of an all-embracing Islamic republic all of Palestineand revised its statutes only in 2017, succumbing to the apparent inability of the Arab world to defeat the Zionist state.

The idea of ​​a single democratic state with equal rights for all people living in historic Palestine is beautiful and will captivate anyone who does not live in Palestine today or does not know the history of its occupation by Israel. But to create such a state now is to hand the fate of the Palestinian people into the hands of their worst enemy, who will raze even the traces of their presence in Gaza to the ground.

A single state, even if it is sanctified by a decision of international institutions, including the UN, will in fact become the tombstone of all Palestinian hopes, as the IDF very convincingly demonstrated today.

The disregard for the rights of the Palestinian people, actually recognized in words but not taken into account in practice, plus the open support of the US for Israeli expansion, made Tel Aviv the guardian of American interests in the Middle East.

Therefore, in complete contradiction to the statements that Israel should avoid civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip, the United States provided Tel Aviv with 36 thousand 30 mm ammunition and about 2 thousand Hellfire missiles for the AH-64E Apache helicopters, 1.8 thousand grenade launchers M141 and at least 3.5 thousand night vision devices – the order has been fulfilled in full, reports Bloomberg.

And if the creation of two states on the territory of Palestine under the patronage of the world community and the UN deprives Israel of the opportunity to dominate “from the sea to the Jordan”, then the creation of a “single state” will actually transfer into the hands of Tel Aviv all the possibilities of eliminating the obstacles to such dominance.

In fact, it is precisely this solution to the Palestinian problem that Netanyahu seeks in return for Washington’s devoted service in the region.

Let us remember where Israel began. From the ethnic cleansing of 1947 and 1948 to al-Nakba, when at least half of the non-Jewish population of Palestine was forced, on pain of death, to leave their homes and settle in the West Bank, Gaza or neighboring Arab countries.

What will stop Netanyahu from continuing his bloody campaign in Palestine if the decision to create two independent states is trampled?

The fate of the Palestinian people now depends on the street. And not only the Arab, but also the European and the American. Indeed, whether it will succeed in the race with Netanyahu and the IDF, who are destroying Gaza, is a question that today no one will dare to answer.

Translation: ES

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