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Will the Bien-Assis health center in Montluçon (Allier) reopen with retired doctors?

Will the Bien-Assis health center become an empty shell as announced by the leaders of the Association of abandoned patients in search of doctors (Aparm)? Not sure. Health professionals are coming together to give a second chance to the premises of the municipality, which are now unoccupied.

“The idea would be to reactivate the association of doctors which had been launched in 2019 around Doctor Simonnet,” explains Mayor Frédéric Laporte. A dozen retired doctors are interested in the project. We will have to discuss with them to see if they agree to work, half a day, a day, or even more per week ”.

The private hospital involved

A first informal meeting was held on Friday, June 11, in the premises of the Bien-Assis health center with the departmental director of the Regional Health Agency and the director of the Saint-François private hospital. For Pascal Rivoire, it is not admissible to leave several thousand patients without a referring doctor in the Montluçonnais basin.

“It’s up to us to take our responsibilities. We cannot stay in our corner and let it go. In any case, we have no choice ”.

There is no point in having specialists in hospitals if you do not have general practitioners in front of you.

pASCAL RIVOIRE (director of the private hospital)

The director of Saint-François warns: he will only engage in the process if it is solid. There was no question of reliving the same adventure as with Aparm, “people of good will but who did not have all the keys to success”.

The head of the establishment would like the doctors to commit to a minimum period of twenty-four months with very precise schedules. He also hopes that the latter can become the tutors of young practitioners who could take over. “The hardest part for us will be doing something sustainable. Me, I’m not a short-termist, I need a clear vision at least over the next two years. “

Several discussions have already taken place with the twelve doctors – some are specialists -, the departmental council of the order of physicians, the regional health agency and the primary health insurance fund. Today, many questions still remain unanswered. Which structure to adopt? How to compose the board of directors? Who to put in charge? Will the doctors be salaried?

Not before September

“The project leader has not yet been identified,” explains Pascal Rivoire. The most important thing is that the project holds water. Me, I will not commit if it is not serious. One thing is certain, the new premises are there, ready to be used. And the town hall has done what it takes to recover the equipment that future doctors will need.

“With the twelve retirees, we can hope to have the equivalent of two full-time doctors,” thinks Mayor Frédéric Laporte, who also wants to take his time. “We need a structure that holds up. And if it has to happen, it will not be before September ”.

Not requested. The public hospital did not participate in the meeting of June 11, “We were not solicited, explains Bernadette Mallot. But we are interested in everything that happens in the area and we are ready to help ”. With the closure of the health center, the director believes that “there may be a surplus in the emergency room”. Emergencies which experienced, last week, a very strong activity with a hundred patients per day.

Fabrice Redon

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