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Will our Gingko be the tree of the year 2021?

Ginkgo biloba from Strasbourg is in the running to be the tree of the year 2021.

Credit: National Forestry Office

The National Forestry Office every year with various partners, including Terre Sauvage, organizes this competition which highlights the most beautiful trees of French natural heritage, whether in public or private places. To represent the Grand Est, Ginkgo biloba from Place de la République in Strasbourg was chosen. You necessarily know it from its immense size and its shimmering colors.

A tree that is necessarily exceptional

On its website, the Tree of the Year Contest explains: “This tree is characterized by its majestic side by its size, its fall colors and its location. It measures 29m high, 180cm in diameter (i.e. a circumference of about 5.65m) and its crown reaches a diameter of 27m. The extent of its canopy is therefore 572m². It was planted at the end of the 19th century (…) during the construction of the Neustadt in Strasbourg (…) following the annexation of Alsace to Germany, the Neustadt was classified as a world heritage site. Unesco on July 9, 2017. A second Ginkgo mirrors it, thus creating a perspective on the Rhine Palace (…) These trees were said to have been offered by the Emperor of Japan to his counterpart William II to whom the square had been dedicated. This Gingko therefore experienced the many changes of the district and of occupation and its establishment is the legacy of the work of the architects and municipal gardeners of the time, responding to a sought-after landscape integration, and today also responding to the challenges of reduction. of the urban heat island and significant contribution to nature in the city ”.

First in the votes!

Who has never put under this great Ginkgo biloba during the hot summer days in Strasbourg? Who hasn’t taken a photo in the fall when its leaves turn golden yellow? So do not hesitate to vote for the remarkable tree of Strasbourg. Online voting is open until January 4, 2022. The big winner will be known during the month of January. Summern date of November 29, it is the Ginkgo of Strasbourg which leads the votes at the national level with already 5,384 voters.

To vote : www.arbredelannee.com

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