The participant of the reality show Love Island, the young footballer David Vitásek, who formed a couple with the model Natália Kočendová on the island of love, went under the knife. While bragging on social media, David decided to take a step that he’s been planning to take for a long time. He got a nose job! His beautiful girlfriend supported him in everything and occupied the same hospital bed with him shortly after the surgery. Now the couple will really look like the perfect Mattel figures.
Self David Vitasek a Natalia Kochendova until now they acted like Barbie and Ken, now, according to them, the popular children’s dolls and action figures can actually be produced. David has decided to deal with the imperfection that has been bothering him for a long time. He underwent plastic surgery on his nose.
Hospital bed romance
Was accompanied to the hospital by a friend of reality show The island of love Zbyněk Vlček. “I’m about to get a nose job, I’m stressed. I’m quite scared of it, I’ve never been completely asleep. I’m excited, but I’m also scared” David informed about his Instagram. After the procedure, his beautiful girlfriend Natálie took over care and the couple then shared a bed together.
David indicated that the reason that led him to the doctors’ intervention was the asymmetry of the nose. Shortly after the filming of the reality show, where he was a participant, David also signed the contract with the modeling agency Pure Model. Probably he is planning to follow the same path as his girlfriend and plastic surgery will surely help him in his successful career.
After David’s procedure, she expects a few days of rest, but then plans to go to the cottage on New Year’s Eve, again with Zbyňek. “We agreed that the whole group would spend New Years at the cottage,” outlined his plans in interview for So hopefully the nose job will at least give him some fun.