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Will Donald Trump go to Kenosha?

On Saturday, the White House announced that the president would visit Kenosha on Tuesday, where Jacob Blake was hit at close range by seven projectiles fired by a white policeman.

If we have to wait a little longer before shedding light on these sad events, the demonstrations are increasing. Another individual died in Portland over the weekend, as Donald Trump tweeted indiscriminately to support his supporters and criticize the work of elected Democrats.

The media are sometimes accused of sensationalizing and exaggerating tensions. I believe, on the contrary, that the demonstrations which have never ceased since the death of George Floyd have not obtained all the necessary coverage. Anger, legitimate, is roaring and protesters were still awaiting firm commitments or reforms when Jacob Blake was shot down.

During the last two evenings of the Republican convention, Mike Pence and the President took turns speaking to all Americans. Rather than stressing the division and the need for dialogue or at least for reflection, they offered only “law and order” for any answer.

As the election campaign is in full swing, Democrats and Republicans are using very different strategies and rhetoric. You may prefer one message or the other when registering your choice on November 3, but while waiting for polling day, it is to the current administration that we look for comfort, leadership and support. possible solutions.

On Sunday alone, two influential politicians questioned Donald Trump’s contribution. First, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler pleaded with the president to either support the authorities or leave them alone. Using a very harsh formula, Wheeler holds Donald Trump responsible for the climate of hatred and violence dividing Americans: “It’s you who have created the hate and division».

In Wisconsin, where the town of Kenosha is located, Governor Tony Evers implores Donald Trump not to show up on Tuesday. He fears that the president’s presence will hinder community efforts to calm things down and heal his wounds.

If we were going through a normal period, the president would plan his trips with local officials and we would rely heavily on his presence. Here, Donald Trump is not welcome and according to the lawyer for the parents of the victim, he would not even have discussed with the family.

What will the president say once there? So far, its “law and order” message is paying off and it’s enjoying a slight uptick in the polls. It seems that these new supports are in the suburbs, where Donald Trump dangled the nightmare of the election of Joe Biden.

Will the president depart from his game plan and a strategy that has served him rather well since entering politics? It should, however. We are not exaggerating when we talk about civil war. Especially not when we see, every day, the anger and violence as much on the left as on the right. We are not exaggerating when armed militiamen march too often without being worried by the authorities.

Two months separate us from the election in early November and controversies multiply. The country has never got over the first wave of COVID-19, the economic situation is difficult, there are fears for the postal vote, there are concerns about a possible shortage of election workers and parts of the country are in the grip of a serious social crisis. Let us hope that by delivering his message, the president can find a formula more empathetic than the only recourse to more police repression and more weapons.

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