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Will COVID-19 mutate into an even more dangerous virus?

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Researchers worldwide fear that COVID-19 will mutate, making it spread even faster and complicate the search for a working vaccine. Most mutations don’t have major consequences, but the sooner it happens, the faster the virus modifies its behavior and the more effectively it will infect humans. The research results are currently contradictory, but cautiously positive.

Almost all viruses mutate, because that is a normal development. As the internal cells multiply, errors can occur in the genetic code copying process, causing mutations. If a virus mutates quickly, a vaccine can partially lose its effect, as it may attack other parts of the immune system. The best known example of this is the flu virus, which is changing at such a rapid pace that a new vaccine is needed every year.

What about COVID-19?

The results of the research on mutations of COVID-19 are contradictory. According to a Chinese study, the new coronavirus mutates faster than previously thought, which may eventually make it more deadly. However, this analysis must first go through a scientific check before it is considered valid. British researchers also contradict those findings and have better news. Since mid-March, they examined 13,000 virus samples and found that the structure of COVID-19 is relatively stable, as new mutations appear about twice a month. We need to keep an eye on some of those altered virus strains, according to scientists at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, because they are potentially dangerous. They suspect that they adapt to humans, but there is no conclusive evidence that this is really the case.

What is known is that there are several virus strains in circulation worldwide, but that is also not exceptional. German researchers speak of three types that they baptized A, B and C. The A and C groups are said to mainly circulate in Europe and America, while the B group is more likely to occur in East Asia. In any case, the genetic makeup of COVID-19 needs to be further studied, as it can give an idea of ​​where new outbreaks will occur. To find out about the mutations, countries must increase the number of tests for the new coronavirus, so that more data is available about the disease.

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