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Will Chiara Ferragni have an heir? The numbers say no

In the last 3 months, between December 2023 and March 2024, Chiara Ferragni ha perso 513mila follower only on Instagram. And yet, broadening our gaze to the last 12 months and still considering only Instagram, the situation is reversed: overall, between March 2023 and March 2024, Ferragni herself has gained over 285 thousand followers.

That’s right: despite 90 consecutive days of difficulties, investigations, criticisms and problems, the balance of the last year of the queen of influencers is still positive. Definitely positive. This huge number, 285,000 with the plus in front, is the one that gives the measure of Chiara Ferragni’s strength: he gained so many followers in the 9 months that preceded the Balocco case that he was still able to close the year largely in the black, despite the defeat at the end.

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photo "> Chiara Ferragni's performance on Instagram in the last 12 months

Chiara Ferragni’s performance on Instagram in the last 12 months

Quarters compared: how is Chiara Ferragni doing?

The number, together with the other numbers seen on this page, comes from the analysts of DeRev, a company specializing in digital strategy and communication, to whom we asked in-depth analysis of the Ferragni caseprecisely 3 months after the AgCom fine that triggered everything.

We did this to try to answer two questions: to understand if “it’s over for Chiara Ferragni now”, as many claim on social networks, and to understand if in the world of influencers and creators there is someone capable of taking her place. There answer to both questions is nobut for both there is a but.

The two questions are connected to each other, but let’s start from the first: having said the absolute numbers relating to the followers’ balance, there are some other considerations to be made, always with the help of the figures. The 513 thousand followers lost by Ferragni on Instagram in his black quarter are equal to a drop of 1.72%: since last December 15th, it has published 32 posts (an average of 0.4 per day), with a post interaction of 1.9% and an engagement of 0.69%, equal to 18.7 million interactions. To have a point of comparison, in the previous 3 months, i.e. from October to mid-December 2023had published a total of 158 posts (2.2 per day), with a post interaction of 1.5% and an engagement of 3.2%, for a total of 69.4 million interactions and a growth of 0.26% of followers (+78 thousand).

The numbers are substantially positive, but at least they are there a couple of things to understand: whether the decline in engagement, i.e. the rate of involvement of followers, will have effects on visibility and value of the profile; whether his millions of followers are still worth what they were worth before. Intended as if you can earn something from it and if you professionally can continue to live the same life you did before. In other words and more clearly: it remains to be seen whether companies will want to invest in her again for their communication.

This is an important point, and it is a point that on Italian Tech we had already dealt with: one of the (probable) consequences of the Balocco case is that companies will no longer allocate advertising budgets only to large or very large influencers, with the implicit risk of being exposed to possible reputational crises, but will distribute them among smaller and potentially more effective, having a better profiled audience. And this brings us to the second step of our reasoning: who could take Ferragni’s place in people’s hearts and in brands’ portfolios? At the moment none, but there are still some considerations to be made.

photo "> Chiara Ferragni's performance on Instagram in the last 3 months

Chiara Ferragni’s performance on Instagram in the last 3 months

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Only Alessia Lanza in Chiara Ferragni’s wake

Garlic DeRev experts we asked them to extract information and figures on Chiara Ferragni’s possible heirs from their databases, focusing not only on the names best known to the public but also on any outsiders. The analysis took into consideration the period between 1 March 2023 and 12 March 2024with the data on the change in followers indicating the balance between those acquired and those lost: in the end an evaluation emerged (which brings together engagement, growth, frequency of publication and post interaction) similar to the one that in February allowed us to predict well in advance who would have won Sanremo 2024.

As you can see, come on graphics, referring to Instagram and TikTokthe name that stands out is that of Alessia Lanza: with little surprise for those who know and frequent social media, that of the 23-year-old from Turin was the best performance in the last year, with a growth of followers of 13.28% (+633,708), an engagement of 3% and a post interaction by 7.25%, overall and on both platforms on which it is present. According to DeRev, to grow, “he needs to broaden his awareness on Instagram”and therefore to act on the breadth of the community (today just under 1.7 million followers), while on TikTok it already shows greater strength, given that the 4.3 million followers on the main profile are not so far from the 6, 4 million Ferragni.

Among the other profiles considered, Giulia De Lellis has 5.3 million followers on Instagram, but its performance is very flat both in terms of growth (+0.03%, which is equivalent to 1695 more followers in a year) and in terms of engagement, which it is just 0.5%; things are going slightly better for her on TokTok, where 63 thousand new users have discovered her in the last year (+7.33%), but where however, engagement remains very low (0,77%).

The lack of is obvious from the list Martina Strazzerwho actually seems to have a profile comparable to that of Chiara Ferragni (as emerged when the we interviewed in December), but there are a couple of reasons: “We excluded her because her success on TikTok is relatively recent and her profile was not among those on which we had active monitoring, which cannot be done retrospectively – they clarified to us from DeRev – The data on follower growth is therefore missing, even if the engagement is still low and is 0.69%”. And on Instagram? “She has long had a private profile and therefore not analyzablewhich is an uncommon and also not very correct choice, because it means that not even she could have statistics and an idea of ​​her performance, as well as not being able to use the functions for creators”.

tiktok: a recent post by Alessia Lanza

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He is the Salvini of influencers

As regards the others, there are no particular elements that draw attention, other than the fact that none can currently compete not only with the Ferragni community, but not even with its firepower in terms of content production: 1107 in the period considered, against the 453 of Paola Turani, 436 of Elisa Maino, 414 of Giulia Salemi, 366 of Alessia Lanza, 194 of Giulia De Lellis and just 170 of Chiara Nasti. In the same way and perhaps even more so, to date Ferragni has no equals even in terms of total reactions: almost 325 millionagainst the 58.5 million of Alessia Lanza and the 38.5 million of Elisa Maino, who are the ones who are closest to her although still quite distant.

Using a term of comparison that perhaps she will not like very much, Chiara Ferragni is in some way the Salvini of influencers (Who some numbers on the secretary of the League): it has a community that remains objectively enormous and an ability to churn out posts and generate engagement and arouse interest that is currently off the charts. It is undeniable that he suffered a bad setback, the first of his long career, but his days seem far from over. By listening to the numbers and not your gut, obviously.


#Chiara #Ferragni #heir #numbers
– 2024-03-31 14:39:58

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