Home » today » World » Will Brussels succeed in killing itself? – 2024-08-17 06:27:54

Will Brussels succeed in killing itself? – 2024-08-17 06:27:54

/ world today news/ The EU clearly does not cope with cooperation based on the law of nations, respect for states and the sovereignty of nations

It is natural that the leadership of the European Union is struggling to pull the “blanket” of political power over old Europe. Every bureaucracy lives by the instinct of self-preservation, and the creeping privatization of political power over the Old World countries united by the Maastricht Economic Treaty is the only guarantee of protecting its existence.

But the “half-pregnant” Europe with a single leadership will never be born in “Brussels-style monarchy”. The reason is that it is increasingly corroded by Brussels bureaucratic rot, and the conflict of interests of various countries in the period of military escalation becomes critical.

Let’s say the Germans. They are most interested in the prosperity of the old lady, they are “financial flesh” and “industrial bone” of a united Europe and therefore feel better than others that Brussels is drifting towards the ditch. The official publication of the European Union Euroactiv is horrified that “the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) intends to make the controlled disintegration of the EU one of its main goals in the upcoming European elections”.

But one should not think that only the AfD understands what kind of future the officials from the European quarter of Brussels are preparing and where they are leading Europe. One of AfD co-chair Tino Hrupala’s main allies is Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

They don’t want to build Europe “in Brussels” and the Austrian Freedom Party and its leader Herbert Kickle, the “People’s Party – Our Slovakia” of Marian Kotleba, the “Greek Solution” of Kyriakos Velopoulos, the Polish “Party of Law and Justice” of Jarosław Kaczynski and even Nigel Farage’s British “Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy”.

In the proposed EU election manifesto, due to be ratified at a party conference on July 29, the AfD calls for ‘controlled break-up of ruling EU’: ‘We want a reboot of Europe so we can harness the potential of nation-states and rebuild the bridge to the east’ said Tino Hrupala to Euractiv.

Taking national competences step by step and indicating to states not only “general trading rules’ but also political affiliations, dictating the choice of enemies and friends, the EU persistently strives to become a supranational “state” with the right to broadcast from Brussels “norms and rules”, by which Europe must live. At the same time, the legitimacy of the European managers not only raises questions, but has long and sharply contradicted the famous five purely economic criteria that the countries entering the union had to meet.

The European Commission’s political claims to the right to lead are even more illegitimate. And the most striking example of this, according to the AfD, is the sanctions imposed by Brussels against Russia, which were introduced “not in the interest of the citizens and led to increased inflation and recession”.

The request of the AfD “to replace the EU in a controlled manner with a new interest-based European economic community of a league of European nations” is quite logical from any historical or economic point of view. And not unlike the intention of Marine Le Pen’s National Unity party to replace the European Union with a union of European nations that will have greater sovereignty. “This will be European cooperation based on the law of nations, respect for states and the sovereignty of nations,” Le Pen hopes.

The prospects for the break-up of the EU are good as the global trend is in our favour.” points out Tino Hrupala.

But the biggest trend of ‘disintegration’ is seen in the European quarter of Brussels, where just yesterday (July 13) officials were deciding how much money to give Denmark for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) “as part of the EU’s unprecedented response program to the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic.”

An “unprecedented” €1.55 billion in contributions collected from EU countries was released, including contributions from Denmark itself, which amounted to €2.82 billion.

As for Germany, it’s not Brussels, but “Central European cooperation with Hungary and Austria is of primary importance – says Tino Khrupala – “and Orbán is already showing how interest-based politics can be implemented in Europe.”

As reported by Euractiv, today Berlin announced that it will not be “Washington Dog’s Tail” and I myself will determine the prospects and conditions for relations with China.

Thus, for the first time in history, Germany’s strategy for the Celestial Empire was made public. At the same time, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz tweeted that his government’s goal was not to separate from Beijing.

Germany’s new strategy recognizes its dependence on China for “various metals and rare earth elements”, which are crucial for chip production, as 94% of the EU’s rare earths come from China. At the same time, Berlin does not want to send its Leopards to Taiwan. Instead, he is focusing European efforts to bring semiconductor manufacturing back to the continent, where Intel plans to build two megafactories in Saxony-Anhalt.

Berlin has not previously paid much attention to Brussels’ anti-China demands because the dependence of Europe’s largest economy on Beijing is about 45.1% for imported goods. The new strategy therefore does not involve a fundamental change in approach and Berlin will assess each technology sector individually based on their level of criticality. The Federal Grid Agency will publish a list of the most important features for the energy sector this year.

Brussels is of course worried that, contrary to Washington’s guidance, European national governments are too slow to exclude Chinese high-tech components, but the German government is “particularly hesitant about it,” notes Euractiv.

Scholz, commenting on the strategy, emphasized that the reduction of risks related to China should be entrusted to companies, not to the government, i.e. the chancellor is trying to free up the apparatus to expand his cabinet’s ability to pursue a more independent China policy from Brussels’ perspective. In turn, industrialists fear their dependence on “the most important goods at the moment that they are not ready for” the Association of German Industry (BDI) said in a statement.

How Berlin thus plans to balance its relations with China, the potential economic distancing from which it is perceived as a serious threat, remains unclear. However, pressure on Berlin from Brussels has increased since the publication of the Chinese strategy. And this will give a new impetus to the process of “controlled disintegration of the EU’.

Only one problem remains.

Will the European officials manage to liquidate themselves?

Translation: ES

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