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‘Wilders also feels that things are going smoothly’

News & Politics•22 Apr ’24 07:44Author: Thijs Baas

The intention of PVV leader Geert Wilders to press charges against GroenLinks-PvdA leader Frans Timmermans seems mainly motivated by the latter’s suggestion to consider other options for the difficult formation talks. That’s what political reporter Mats Akkerman says. ‘Wilders of course also feels that things are going smoothly with the formation and that the pressure is increasing to get out.’

‘Wilders also feels that things are going smoothly’

4 min 40 sec The intention of PVV leader Geert Wilders to press charges against GroenLinks-PvdA leader Frans Timmermans seems mainly motivated by the latter’s suggestion to consider other options for the difficult formation talks. (ANP / Laurens van Putten)

Timmermans did not appear to be really impressed by Wilders’ declaration. He saw the PVV leader do what he always does when he is in a bit of a panic: punch around wildly. Moreover, Akkerman suspects that few people think that Timmermans would really say something threatening. Previously there seemed to be a confusion of tongues: ‘In the conference speech he said that he would do nothing to prevent Wilders from coming to power, but later it turned out that the original speech text said ‘do not fail to do so’.’

Fifth full week

The formation discussions with informateurs Elbert Dijkgraaf and Richard van Zwol are already entering their fifth full negotiation week. The formation discussions this week may be somewhat influenced by the death of Geert Wilders’ mother, says Akkerman. The PVV leader reported the sad news yesterday via

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Timmermans’ timing does not seem entirely random, Akkerman believes. ‘The pressure is starting to increase, with just over three weeks left. So far things have been anything but smooth. ‘It was an intensive conference weekend for GroenLinks-PvdA, with two separate and one joint conference part. Both parties voted by a large majority in favor of expanding cooperation. The final decision on a merger will be made in 2026.

Sensitive discussion

One topic that clearly still has controversy is the Israel-Gaza conflict. ‘A number of people, especially from the GroenLinks corner, wanted to speak out about this. You can see that it is a sensitive discussion within the party. Akkerman suspects that it will also be a tough job for party leader Timmermans to find exactly the right tone, especially in view of the more intensive cooperation.

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