PH:DR: The new national coordination
The WILDAF-Benin Network held its Ordinary and Elective General Assembly at its headquarters in Cotonou on Saturday, May 20, 2023. After the welcome address by the National Coordinator, Mrs. Françoise Ahouéfa SOSSOU AGBAHOLOU, the individual members and the representative members of the affiliated NGOs to the Network successively followed the presentation of the various reports and the Activity Report of the four years of management. The process of renewal and installation of the new National Coordination is set in motion: at the end of the elections, the outgoing Coordinator was re-elected for a four-year term.
After the welcome words of the National Coordinator of the WILDAF-Benin Network. The quorum was checked and the agenda was adopted.
A minute of silence was observed for the memory of Feue, Marie-Claire Dégnon Kazotti, previously Vice-Coordinator of the Network, suddenly torn from the affection of the members in 2021.
Ph:DR: Some members of the Network
Successively, the various reports on the agenda are presented; in particular: the Moral report and the activity report for the year 2022 presented by the National Coordinator, Ms. Francoise Sossou Agbaholou. The financial report by the General Treasurer, Mrs. Elisabeth Natabou and read by the Accountant of the Network, Mrs. Solange Gangana.
Appreciations of each other on the titanic work done and a few questions were the subject of the debate which led to the adoption of the three reports.
At the end of the mandate, the Coordinator will then proceed to the presentation of the Report of activities of the four years of the National Coordination on the flagship actions of the Network. A very glowing record that has dedicated to the management of 14 projects in a difficult context like ours. A titanic work that commands admiration and respect. Words of congratulations and satisfaction went out to the Coordinator and her entire team.
Ph: DR: The counting of votes during the elections
Place for the renewal of national coordination
A presidium composed of three people was installed to direct the operations leading to the election of the seven (07) members of the new national coordination. Chaired by Me Huguette BOKPE GNACADJA, current Director of the National Women’s Institute. The past coordinator of the Wildaf-Benin Network is assisted by two members, including Mrs. Carmen Garba and the president of the Youth Network.
Indeed, only members and organizations up to date with their annual dues can be eligible and vote. In total, 19 members are eligible and voting out of the thirty, after verification at the level of the Treasury and the proxies issued.
The first election is that of the National Coordinator, Mrs. Françoise Sossou Agbaholou obtained one hundred percent of votes, that is 19 votes, then the election of the other members took place according to the rules of the art.
From now on, the new national coordination is composed of:
- National Coordinator: Ms. Françoise A. SOSSOU AGBAHOLOU (renewed)
- Vice Coordinator nationale: Me Alexandrine Falilatou SAÏZONOU BEDIE;
- Secretary General: Mrs. Ginette Carmen BONOU;
- Deputy Secretary General: Ms. Carmen GABA;
- General Treasurer: Mrs. Elisabeth NATABOU (renewed);
- Deputy General Treasurer: Mrs Aurélie GBEFFE;
- Communication Officer: Ms. Agathe Aline ASSANKPON HOUNGBEDJI.
After the installation of the new members of the National Coordination, Ms. Françoise Sossou Agbaholou, on behalf of the members and on her own behalf, expressed her deep gratitude for her re-election to lead the destiny of the Wildaf-Benin Network, again for a period of four years.
Ph:DR: Network members and staff
By imploring the Almighty, God, for all the necessary strength that she will be able to benefit from in view of the pursuit of this mission. She will recognize that the context in which CSOs operate today is strewn with pitfalls, especially in the area of resource mobilization. “Competition is fierce, CSOs jostle each other in the search for funding and it is the best who wins” she said before indicating the strategy to adopt: “We must continue to seek strategies to allow our network to be competitive in the field. This involves strengthening our capacities, this calls for working in synergy, this requires that we learn to work together with other organizations with a view to submitting projects in partnership. We have started to lend ourselves to this exercise, but I assure you that it is not easy”.
The challenges are greater and greater for the Wildaf-Benin Network, which until now does not yet have its own headquarters, while it is necessary to meet fixed costs such as rent, electricity, and the salary of the operational staff. “When we don’t have many projects, we can’t pay the rent; because no partner wants to take care of the payment of rent alone, it is contributions to rents that are paid. If there is no project, there is no salary for operational staff in the office” she explains.
The new team will want to count on the support of all members to meet these sovereignty challenges. Thus, suggestions and all kinds of opportunities are expected to move forward.
A word of gratitude to the WILDAF staff who devote themselves body and soul daily to the task of achieving the Network’s objectives. the National Coordinator sincerely thanks the TFPs who finance the Network, in particular CECI, CUSO International who contribute enormously to the capacity building of the staff in terms of drafting projects and organizing the Network. A nod to the Past coordinators and members living outside the country, from whom she regularly benefits from their support.