Home » today » Business » Wild telemarketing, the regulation to block calls from call centers on mobile phones is there. But the government doesn’t approve of it

Wild telemarketing, the regulation to block calls from call centers on mobile phones is there. But the government doesn’t approve of it

Hello, you are interested in changing telephone operator? And the company of the gas? He wants to buy a pack of typical products on sale? Can online trading be of interest? These are just some of the proposals that now arrive daily via mobile phone. Without the possibility of escape for the user. Why the public register of oppositions It’s stopped to the only one fixed telephony with the possibility of block “harassing” numbers. For the mobile phone, however, nothing to do: the government has “forgotten” to give the ok to regulation which sets the new rules for operators and users.

Yet this is no small topic given that the industry of contact center in Italy it is worth approx 4 billion euros. Of this sum, according to estimates Assocontact, approximately 2.1 billion represents the turnover of suppliers, the rest is made by internal structures of the companies. Well 400 million they come directly from marketing telephone e 1.6 billion instead they come mainly from customer care, the so-called customer care. With a growing market and the prospect of expanding the system to product promotions via the web. Already today, as noted by Assocontact which aggregates 65 companies in the sector and oversees a sector together with Asstel e Associate, there are more than a hundred companies operating in this business segment employing a total of about 120 thousand people.

“The delay accumulated for the issue of the new implementing regulation of the public register of oppositions is alarming – he declares Lelio Borgherese, president of Assocontact – We realize that in recent months the government has had other priorities and we respect the times and procedures designed to make the best possible decisions, but we also realize that citizens and companies cannot wait for biblical times , in general and even more so in extreme conditions where speed and clarity of the rules are fundamental. All the more so if we are talking about a sacrosanct norm that protects rights already sanctioned and defended in other circumstances ”.

As the consumer associations report, the negotiations on this issue have already been underway for more than three years. Progress has been made without closing the circle. “From 2011 to today more than one and a half million fixed numbers have been registered in the opposition portal – explains the lawyer Gianluca Di Ascenzo del Codacons – A sign that there is a high level of consumer attention on the issue. However, there is still no operational regulation even for mobile telephony despite the requests of companies and users, as evidenced by the work carried out by the Business and Consumer Observatory “. At this point it is up to the cabinet which has already received the final document with the go-ahead of Privacy Guarantor. “However, the waiting times are still long: after the issue by the President of the Republic and publication in the Official Journal, the main operators and consumer associations will have to be consulted – he explains Luigi Gabriele, president of the association Consumerism – Not only. Within 90 days of publication, the Mise, in collaboration with the Presidency of the Council, will then have to prepare and activate the methods by which operators can also access the register electronically, and they will not be able to use for advertising purposes, nor transfer to third parties the fixed and mobile numbers of registered citizens, whose previous consents issued for telemarketing purposes will be canceled“. A big deal for companies in the sector that are nevertheless ready to face the change to put an end to unfair competition and wild telemarketing by saving the good in the industry.

In fact, Assocontact requires one sector reorganization law which gives the entire customer relation chain the opportunity to develop following a path of legality, quality, innovation and training. It is no coincidence thatBusiness and Consumer Observatory (Oic) has drawn up a self-regulation code with “correct” behavior in telemarketing and has promoted a handbook to inform the consumer and discriminate against commercial offers promoted by unreliable operators. The Oic has also hypothesized the birth of a real one Conciliation Chamber that receives notifications from citizens and takes action to sanction the incorrect behavior of operators in the sector. But without the go-ahead from the government, work risks becoming obsolete just as the marketing industry moves fast not only by phone, but also via the web.

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