75 million loan
A resounding yes from the Wiler city parliament to district heating – large consumers such as hospitals and psychiatric institutions also want to be among the customers
In the future, households in Wil will be heated with the waste heat from the waste incineration plant in Bazenheid. The city parliament has a positive attitude towards the district heating network. With only one dissenting vote, it says yes to the 75 million loan.
Has signed a declaration of intent: The psychiatric ward wants to heat its many buildings with district heating in the future.
The Wil district heating network was put through its paces, stressed the responsible city councilor Andreas Breitenmoser on Thursday evening. Both the GPK and the Works and Energy Commission had discussed the business at several meetings. Both campaigned in the city parliament to approve the city council’s motions – with success.
The city of Wil is one step closer to the goal of supplying at least part of its area with waste heat from the Bazenheid Waste Management Association (ZAB). Specifically, it is about a credit line of 75.2 million francs for the project planning and construction of the district heating network. In addition, there are around 142,000 francs a year for the creation of a project manager position.
The city parliament approved the framework credit in the first reading with only one dissenting vote from the SVP parliamentary group. The loan for the project manager position was accepted with two dissenting votes. The city parliament will probably discuss the deal in the second reading at the next meeting before the population can vote on the 75 million loan in the fall.
Investment will eventually yield profit
District heating is the start of a new business area for Technische Betriebs Wil (TBW). According to President Luc Kauf, the GPK is confident “that a satisfactory cash flow can be generated in the medium to long term”. From 2034, the district heating network is expected to be economical. Breitenmoser therefore sees the 75 million francs as an investment that will be refinanced and ultimately even make a profit.

Andreas Breitenmoser (left) is responsible for the supply and energy department on the city council.
Important for success: major customers. The hospital, the psychiatric clinic and Wiler Sportanlagen AG have already signed letters of intent, said Breitenmoser.
Technology is tested by other cities
The two commissions received satisfactory answers to a comprehensive list of questions, said Thomas Abbt, President of the Works and Energy Commission. For example, enough waste heat is generated at the waste incineration plant in Bazenheid. “We only need 15 percent,” said Abbt. The amount of waste generated per capita in Switzerland is also stagnating. However, due to population growth, the amount of waste continues to increase.
On behalf of the Mitte parliamentary group, Christoph Hürsch pointed out, among other things, that district heating could reduce energy consumption. Klaus Rüdiger (SVP) added: “This can reduce the risk of a winter power shortage.”
Several people mentioned that district heating is already being used successfully in many other cities. “We don’t have to expect any nasty surprises with this technology,” said Christof Kälin (SP). Harry Huber said on behalf of the GLP/FDP parliamentary group: “For us, it is a long overdue step to rely on this technology.”
The Greens Prowil also agree to the deal, but will make two recommendations in the second reading, as Guido Wick announced. He emphasized that district heating is not clean energy. For his group it is a temporary solution.
2023-06-08 20:15:59
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