In our domestic show business, we have many stars who started their media “career” when they were children. There is one of them Wiktoria Gąsiewskawho appeared on the glass screen in one of the episodes of the popular series “For better and worse”. She was only 6 years old at the time. Over time, the young actress began to receive more and more proposals from television executives.
In addition to her serial career, multiplied by the appearance of several entertainment programs, Gaza he is also active on social media. She has already collected a million followers on her Instagram profile. For several days now, the 25-year-old’s fans have been treated to pictures from her foreign vacation, which she went on with her boyfriend.
The rest of the article is below the video
See also: Will Wiktoria Gąsiewska live with her new boyfriend? There is a comment from the star
Wiktoria Gąsiewska with her boyfriend on the beach
The young actress is related to a colleague from the industry, Jasper Sołtysiewicz. The 25-year-old’s girlfriend is also boasting on social media about the happy time he spent in Sicily. As you can see, they are in good spirits. Sand, exotic palm trees and the sea are the perfect setting to jump into swimsuits. Our lovers also took advantage of this opportunity.
Recently, Wiktoria Gąsiewska and Jasper Sołtysiewicz decided to record the romantic moments spent on the beach on their profiles. The star couple showed off their athletic figures and bond in the video. When Sołtysiewicz was kissing his girlfriend on the beach, she was gently stroking his hair and body.

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Is she the one who parks for people in front of their houses?

She may have poor eyesight. One of her eyes is blurry.

It’s very pretty, i…hmmm
Final Thoughts (21)

He lives in a corner with his mother, in a house without municipal sewage. He will not fool us with a false life of luxury.

This Victoria has a tough job.

She is gaining weight very badly, she used to be very beautiful, and the kilos have taken away all the charm.

This Jasper is cool, I would play with him.

beautiful couple! May they prosper

Jasiu Stasiu took time off from gorczak

Everything is fine and I wish you all the best, but she is a young girl, such defects as squint can be cured….

and what did they do so tired???

Left and right breast… they are a nice pair 😀

She may have poor eyesight. One of her eyes is blurry.

I am always amazed by people who go to warm countries to lie in the heat all day. Drama. I never was and I never will be. I hate the sun and the summer. I have no sense of humor this summer. I love autumn and winter when it gets dark and dark so quickly. Tell Iceland, Finland, Ireland, Norway, I go there to visit these cold foggy places. I work at the airport and I’m so sick of these passengers coming back after spitting out 🤣🤣🤣 my time of the year has finally arrived! I love autumn 🍂 but obviously plebs don’t need much except heat and disco 🕺🏿

She is such a dumpling Adele – in fact in Poland she is promoted as a beauty, Poland has a big face, blue eyes and blonde hair that’s it!
2024-09-30 14:12:00
#Wiktoria #Gąsiewska #relaxing #Sicily #lying #bikini #boyfriend #nice #couple