While authority data were originally a tool developed by and for library indexing, today they are an indispensable part of a wide range of research and editorial projects. The clear referencing of persons, bodies and places plays an important role both for the recording and evaluation within the individual project and for the linking with other projects (keyword: Semantic Web) and thus their reusability. Funding institutions such as the DFG are also placing increasing importance on a “subject-specific, adequate[n] Handling research data”, which in the humanities area includes not least the linking of the data collected in the project to controlled vocabularies, i.e. authority files.
In order to be able to support researchers in the field of Jewish Studies even better in these processes in the future, the FID Jewish Studies, in cooperation with the academy project Buber-Korrespondenzen Digital, is organizing a workshop on the potential of standard data in Jewish Studies at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main from September 30 to October 1, 2024. The workshop brings together researchers from a wide variety of areas of digital Jewish Studies who are already working with standard data or are looking for possibilities and ways of integrating standard data into their own projects.
The aim of the workshop is to convey knowledge about the potential and limitations of different authority data with a view to the actors, methods and processes involved. Building on this, we will look at possible workflows, tools and service offerings that projects can use in their specific authority data work. In the spirit of a hands-on lab, there will be the opportunity to discuss concrete challenges from research practice and to get to know best practice models.
The workshop will be held in German. Applicants will be informed of the selection decision by September 16, 2024 at the latest. The FID will cover the costs of travel and accommodation.