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#WijZijnLimburg: If you have any doubts about breast cancer, go to the doctor

“At the moment I’m doing well,” says 43-year-old Karin Hupperetz. In January she was diagnosed with breast cancer, while she is now on the final treatments to prevent the breast cancer from returning. “I’m glad I immediately sought help.”

It is precisely this timely seeking of help that is at risk, now that many women are less likely to raise the alarm due to the corona crisis. “The Integrated Cancer Center of the Netherlands has calculated that 50 percent fewer diagnoses have been made,” says surgeon Jeroen van Essen of the Sint Jans Gasthuis in Weert. “While it is unlikely that the number of people with cancer has decreased in those months.”

Population studies stopped
The large number of missed diagnoses is mainly due to the fact that the screening programs stopped from 16 March. The population screenings only started again in the summer.

More difficult to cure
In some cases, the missed diagnoses can make cancer more difficult to cure. The earlier a tumor is discovered, the less chance of metastasis and the better the treatment prognosis.

Reason for the Sint Jansgasthuis in Weert to encourage women to seek help when they feel something in their breasts, especially in this breast cancer month. Van Essen: “During the corona period, we heard that women did not want to come to the hospital or GP, for fear of infection. Or precisely in order not to burden healthcare even more. We must prevent that at all costs.”

Early diagnosis
Karin Hupperetz, 43, noticed in January that her chest felt slightly different. After consultation with her husband, she sought help from the doctor, who immediately sent her to the hospital. After a mammogram and a puncture, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. “Fortunately, things are going quite well now. I am in a treatment process to prevent the breast cancer from coming back”.

Second wave
Just as a second wave of corona infections is emerging, hospitals are also being confronted with new dilemmas. In the spring, all priority went to corona, at the expense of other care. Sint Jansgasthuis now wants to prevent that scenario. “We were very shocked by the first wave, we now know better what is coming our way,” said Van Essen. “In the meantime, we have sought cooperation with the Alexander Monro hospital in Bilthoven, who have now opened a location in our hospital in Weert.”

Policy makers
Corona also exposes a weakness in policymakers. The focus is on combating corona in the short term, but it is precisely diseases such as cancer that cause the greatest damage in the long term. “Especially women who feel something in their breast should therefore not hesitate to see a doctor. If your breast changes shape or size, if it hurts, if you feel a lump, go to the doctor and get a referral. “says the surgeon.

Dinner For Karin the last chemotherapy sessions are over. She is now focusing on the treatment pathway to prevent the cancer from returning. “And today we have been married for fifteen years. So I can go out for dinner with my husband to celebrate.”


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