Home » Entertainment » Wife of Francis Ford Coppola, Elinora Coppola, Dies at 87: A Life Remembered

Wife of Francis Ford Coppola, Elinora Coppola, Dies at 87: A Life Remembered

The film director, artist and writer died suddenly. In the last hours of his life, he was surrounded by loved ones who were with him to the sun.

What does a found coin mean?

Another sign of the presence of an invisible guardian in the house is the discovery of coins. If you accidentally find a coin in your house where it shouldn’t be, or if someone gives you a coin as a gift, you should pay special attention to the find. A coin that is often found usually indicates unfulfilled human promises.

Therefore, the guardian angel reminds his guardian about debt. Not all coins are to Angel’s fame. The division coin must be unique. It must evoke interesting feelings or pleasant memories. Pay attention to the date on the coin, the pattern, the face value. If the numbers repeat, it is considered an Angel Number.

So, for example, there are three doubles on the coin release date as an Angel sign that all problems and difficult tasks will be solved easily and on time. And you have no reason to worry.

It is also worth paying attention to what you were thinking or praying before you saw the coin? The coin you find is a sign of your guardian angel. If you doubt the correctness of your decision or if you do not know what to do, the coin found at this time is a message from the angel. You just need to understand the idea correctly and do what your heart tells you to do.

The wife of cult film director Francis Ford Coppola has died

American documentary film director, artist and writer who died in California Elinora Coppola. The wife of the author of the “Godfather” trilogy was 87 years old.

Elinor Coppola stepped into the sun on Friday, April 12, at her home in Rutherford, California. In the last hours of his life, he was surrounded by loved ones.

Elinor was born on May 4, 1936 in Los Angeles. Her father died when she was 10 years old. The man worked as a political cartoonist for the Los Angeles Examiner newspaper. She earned a degree in applied design from the University of California.

Elinor met her future husband on the set of the horror film “Weakness 13” in 1962. This film was the first director of Francis Ford, the girl at that time was an assistant to the art director of the film.

A year later, Elinor became pregnant and the couple married. After the wedding, their first son Giancarlo was born. Two years later, another son, Roman, was born to the couple, and in 1971, a daughter, Sofia. The youngest children of the couple realized themselves in a movie.

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Sofia received an Oscar for the film “Difficulties in Translation”. Roman became the co-author of the screenplay of the film “The Kingdom of the Full Moon”, receiving an “Oscar” nomination. Coppola’s eldest son died at the age of 22 in a boating accident.

2024-04-15 21:10:17

#film #director #artist #writer #died #suddenly #hours #life #surrounded #loved

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