Home » today » News » Wife and daughters Hüseyin A. stay away during appeal in murder case Milica van Doorn: ‘Shameless’ | Inland

Wife and daughters Hüseyin A. stay away during appeal in murder case Milica van Doorn: ‘Shameless’ | Inland

The wife and two daughters had been summoned by the court as witnesses to the public hearing at the request of the defense of their husband and father. Lawyer Gerald Roethof promised to take them to the hearing on Tuesday. “I have overestimated myself a bit,” Roethof said on Thursday. The ladies would not be able to come to court due to private circumstances.

The solicitor general said he found it “incomprehensible” that the women did not drop everything to be here today. They follow the case closely and it concerns their father and husband.” She thinks it has to do with the court’s decision to interview the women in public.

Closed doors

Roethof did not contest that. He pleaded for the women to be heard behind closed doors, by a councilor commissioner. “This case is very charged, the victim’s family and journalists are in the room. This makes people very nervous and that can lead to a blockage of the memories. We should not want that in the context of finding the truth.” However, the court stuck to it; the trio will be heard during a public hearing.

Hüseyin A. had just been married during the period when he himself claimed to have had a secret sexual relationship with Milica. The question is what Roethof thinks to achieve by hearing the wife and daughters of Hüseyin A. They are not obliged to tax their husband and father and can invoke their right of nondisclosure.

Milica was raped and violently killed in the night of 7 to 8 June 1992 in Zaandam. Her half-disrobed body was found in a pond near a church in the Kogerveld district. The case remained unsolved until 2017. Then the police tracked down the suspect after a DNA relationship test, in which he himself did not participate, but a brother did.

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