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Wien Energie lawsuit: Ludwig must disclose his cell phone to the U-Commission

According to ÖVP Vienna, Mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ) must disclose his work mobile phone in the case of Wien Energie. The independent arbitral tribunal within the Investigative Commission then upheld the evidence applications submitted.

VIENNA. The Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) filed corresponding evidence requests and demanded that the analog and electronic correspondence, all relevant calendar entries and the communication history of the official mobile phones of Mayor Michael Ludwig and financial adviser Peter Hanke (SPÖ ) were handed over to the investigative commission. The independent arbitral tribunal has now approved it, as the ÖVP town hall says.

It is not yet clear if these will actually be presented after the acceptance of the test questions. Why: The decision is not legally binding, Ludwig does not have to comply with it. “It is now up to the SPÖ Vienna and the city of Vienna to also pass on the requested evidence,” said ÖVP club president Markus Wölbitsch.

FPÖ applications rejected

However, similar requests by the FPÖ Vienna were not accepted by the arbitral tribunal. Among other things, they had requested phone records and e-mails from municipal departments 5 (finance) and 20 (energy planning), Wien Energie and Stadtwerke Holding.

Wien Energie encountered payment difficulties due to the sharp rise in prices on the energy exchange. In order to trade on the stock exchange, companies need financial security – Wien Energie was unable to provide it. As part of this, Mayor Ludwig has approved a loan totaling 1.4 billion euros from Wien Energie via its emergency jurisdiction since July.

More on the topic:

Ludwig relies on the right to emergency jurisdiction

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