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Wieluń: Kidnapping a child. Police manhunt in several counties

The police are conducting a manhunt in connection with the kidnapping of a child in Wieluń (Łódź Voivodeship). Road blockades are organized in several poviats. Police spokeswoman Joanna Kącka told the portal wielun.naszemiasto.pl that the child is now safe.

According to unofficial information, the police are trying to stop the kidnappers of the child – a primary school student in the Wieluń commune. The perpetrators were to demand a ransom of PLN 150,000 for the boy. zlotys.

“A police raid continues in several places, including the Kluczbork, Oleski and Namyslowski poviats. Joanna Kącka from the Łódź police assures that policemen from many police headquarters have been put on standby” – informs wielun.naszemiasto.pl.

The spokeswoman confirmed that the child was kidnapped. At the same time she assured that “it is already safe”. At the moment, the exact circumstances of the incident are not known.

The case is supervised by the Central Investigation Bureau and the Prosecutor’s Office.

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