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Widespread disappointment among environmental organizations over the government platform

– Støre and Vedum are new faces, but have ended up with the same outdated fossil policy that the Solberg government has governed after the last eight years, says leader Frode Plyem in Greenpeace Norway in a press release.

While the Labor Party and the Socialist People’s Party carved out their new policy at Hurdalsjøen Hotel, representatives from Greenpeace were always present outside the hotel. Now they promise not to give the new government peace when it comes to climate requirements in the future.

Plyem asks the Storting to try to turn Norway’s policy in a more climate-friendly direction by addressing oil policy in a new report to the Storting.

WWF World Wide Fund for Nature is also disappointed with what they believe is a lack of concrete measures in the government platform.

– This is not a green start for Norwegian climate change. It is good that the government is going for a 55 percent cut in Norwegian emissions. But all significant decisions to reach the goal of climate cuts and restructuring in the coming years are postponed, says Secretary General Karoline Andaur of WWF.

– It does not seem that the Labor Party and the Socialist People’s Party have understood that we are also in a natural crisis, it sounds from leader Truls Gulowsen in the Nature Conservation Association.

Bellona’s Frederic Hauge is also not impressed by the new government’s climate policy – on the contrary, he thinks it is “scandalously bad”. He is particularly disappointed that the government is not investing more in carbon capture and storage (CCS).

– I am quite surprised by what I now see, and that the Labor Party has not seen the significance of CCS, Hauge says to Dagbladet.

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