Due to the bankruptcy order, 439 employees are losing their jobs. All Wibra stores in Belgium will remain closed from Friday for the time being. The issue has no effect on the company’s Dutch activities.
Three curators now have to look at how things should continue with Wibra Belgium. There is still a chance that the proposed reorganization will simply be implemented.
Wibra Belgium has been losing money for years. In July, the Dutch company announced that it would file an application for judicial reorganization. Of the 81 Wibra stores in Belgium, 36 stores would remain according to the plan. According to a spokesperson, the company will try to recruit the old staff in the event of a restart.
The chain had plans to close more than half of its Belgian branches and to continue with 36 branches and 183 employees.
The dreaded wave of layoffs is a fact. Shell, BAM, Tata Steel and KLM announced a reorganization on the same day. Is this a coincidence or the start of a tsunami? That and more in the podcast Matter of Cents:
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