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Wi-Fi 7 Router香港開賣|Wi-Fi 7制式優勢及全港首系列路由器

題。Wi-Fi⁤ 7 路由器香港開賣,為用戶提供更快速的網絡體驗。

隨著科技的不斷進步,網絡已成為現代生活中不可或缺的一部分。為了滿足用戶對更快速、更穩定的網絡連接的需求,Wi-Fi 7制式應運而生。Wi-Fi 7是一種全新的網絡制式,預計將於2023年下半年成為主要的網絡標準。

在Wi-Fi 6E制式剛剛推出一年之後,Wi-Fi 7制式已經準備就緒,並在香港市場上市。除了少數支援Wi-Fi ⁢7的手機和電腦已經上市外,Wi-Fi 7路由器也已獲得香港通訊辦公室(OFCA)的發牌許可,預計下個月將在香港公開發售。

Wi-Fi 7制式將帶來許多優點,讓用戶能夠享受更快速、更穩定的網絡連接。首先,Wi-Fi ⁣7將提供更高的傳輸速度,預計最高可達30Gbps,比目前的Wi-Fi 6制式快上三倍。這將使用戶能夠更快地下載和上傳大型文件,觀看高清視頻和進行線上遊戲,提供更流暢的網絡體驗。

此外,Wi-Fi 7還將提供更低的延遲時間,這對於需要即時互動的應用程序非常重要,例如線上遊戲和視頻通話。低延遲時間將使用戶能夠更快地響應和傳輸數據,提供更流暢的使用體驗。

另外,Wi-Fi 7還將提供更好的網絡容量和效能。它將支援更多的同時連接設備,並提供更好的網絡覆蓋範圍。這將使用戶能夠在家中的各個角落都能夠獲得穩定的網絡連接,無論是在臥室、客廳還是花園。

對於那些希望升級家中網絡速度的用戶來說,Wi-Fi​ 7的推出無疑是一個好消息。然而,由於Wi-Fi ⁣7是一種全新的制式,目前市場上支援Wi-Fi 7的設備還比較有限。因此,用戶在購買Wi-Fi ⁢7路由器之前,應該先確保自己的手機、電腦等設備是否支援Wi-Fi 7。

總的來說,Wi-Fi 7的推出將為用戶提供更快速、更穩定的網絡連接。隨著Wi-Fi 7路由器在香港市場的開賣,用戶將有機會升級家中的網絡設備,享受更順暢的網絡體驗。然而,用戶在購買之前應該先確保自己的設備支援Wi-Fi 7,以充分發揮Wi-Fi 7的優勢。Wi-Fi​ 7 Routers Now Available ‍in ⁢Hong ‍Kong

After⁣ a ​year since the‍ introduction ⁢of the transitional ​Wi-Fi 6E standard,⁣ the ⁤Wi-Fi 7 standard is now ⁢ready for launch in​ Hong Kong. Various devices supporting Wi-Fi ​7 have​ been gradually ⁣released in​ the‍ market,⁢ including a few ‌smartphones and ⁣computers. As⁤ the ‍backbone of the ‍network, Wi-Fi 7 ‌routers‍ have also received the licensing⁢ approval from the‍ Office of ⁤the⁣ Communications Authority ⁢(OFCA) ⁣in Hong Kong and will⁣ be ⁢available for public ⁤purchase next ⁤month.

Wi-Fi ⁢7 is expected to become the main network ​standard ‌starting⁤ from the⁢ second half of 2023. For users⁣ who⁣ are⁢ interested in upgrading their home network speed, it is​ a ⁣good opportunity to learn about ​Wi-Fi 7⁢ and its main advantages.

Wi-Fi 7, also known ⁢as⁣ IEEE 802.11be ⁣standard, incorporates the 6Hz frequency ​band introduced ⁤in Wi-Fi 6E⁣ and​ enhances⁣ the existing ⁣network transmission⁢ technologies. For⁣ example, the previous ⁤1024-QAM has been upgraded⁤ to 4096-QAM, ‍and⁢ 8×8 MU-MIMO has been improved to 16×16 MU-MIMO.⁣ With‌ these enhancements,⁣ Wi-Fi 7 offers​ three major⁣ technological ​advantages⁤ compared ⁤to previous Wi-Fi standards.

Firstly,​ Wi-Fi 7 provides ⁣higher ⁢throughput. In previous Wi-Fi standards, even with⁤ the addition of‍ the⁢ 6GHz ‌frequency band in Wi-Fi 6E, ‌devices could only connect ⁢to one frequency⁤ band at a time. ‍However,⁢ Wi-Fi ​7 ⁢introduces the ‍MLO multi-frequency⁤ aggregation transmission technology, ‌allowing devices⁤ to simultaneously connect to the 2.4GHz, 5GHz, and 6GHz​ frequency ⁤bands, ​fully ​utilizing the ⁤spectrum resources. With ​the addition of a 320MHz⁢ bandwidth in ‍the 6GHz spectrum, the maximum throughput ​of Wi-Fi networks has increased ​from 9.6Gbps in Wi-Fi‌ 6E to 46Gbps, which is‌ 4.8‍ times higher.

Secondly, ‌Wi-Fi 7 offers ⁣lower‍ latency. It⁢ introduces 16×16 ​MU-MIMO, doubling‍ the⁣ number of spatial streams compared to‍ 8×8 MU-MIMO in​ Wi-Fi 6 and 6E. This increase​ in the number of​ streams ‍reduces the latency caused‍ by channel ⁤congestion during device transmission within the same network.

Thirdly, ‍Wi-Fi⁣ 7 ⁤allows ⁢older devices to ⁤benefit from the new⁣ standard. Even⁤ if older devices ⁤only ⁤support Wi-Fi 5, ⁤6, ​or ⁢6E, they⁣ can ⁤still enjoy the ⁤advantages of Wi-Fi 7. With Wi-Fi 7’s‌ unique Mesh ‍Backhaul Aggregation technology, older ⁣devices can connect to one of ⁤the‍ 2.4GHz, 5GHz,⁤ or 6GHz frequency⁤ bands and​ experience ⁤the benefits of ​Wi-Fi⁤ 7.

Next‍ month, a series of Wi-Fi 7 routers ‍will be available for ⁤purchase ⁢in Hong Kong, starting from HKD 2999. ​TP-Link has‍ already held ⁣a product launch event for Wi-Fi 7, ⁢announcing ⁤three ‌router models​ that ​will be released ⁤in August. It is‌ important⁣ to ‌note that, similar⁣ to Wi-Fi 6E routers, ⁣Wi-Fi 7 routers require HKCA1081 certification from⁤ the‍ Office⁢ of the⁢ Communications Authority ​before being sold ⁤in the ⁣Hong Kong ⁢market.

With ‍the theoretical improvements in transmission ⁢speed‍ and⁤ stability compared to previous Wi-Fi generations,‍ many users are eager ‌to try⁤ Wi-Fi 7. ⁤Stay‌ tuned for the‍ upcoming release of Wi-Fi 7 routers⁢ and⁢ consider upgrading your ‌digital ⁢life with ‍the latest technology.

‌Wi-Fi ‍7的推出對於哪些用戶來說將是一個重要的升級,特別是哪些應用程序和場景?


此外,Wi-Fi​ 7還將提供更低的延遲和更高的容量。由於Wi-Fi 7制式使用了更高的頻譜和更複雜的傳輸技術,它能夠減少網絡延遲,從而提供更即時的連接。此外,Wi-Fi 7還支援更多的同時連接設備,這對於家庭和辦公環境中擁有多個用戶和設備的用戶來說特別重要。

雖然Wi-Fi‌ 7的推出對於普通用戶可能無法立即體驗到巨大的改變,但對於那些對網絡速度和性能要求較高的用戶來說,這將是一個重要的升級。特別是對於數據密集型應用程序和需要大量同時連接設備的場景(例如電競、虛擬現實和物聯網應用),Wi-Fi‌ 7將提供顯著的改善。

總之,Wi-Fi 7將為用戶帶來更快速、更穩定的網絡體驗,使他們能夠更好地利用現代生活中不可或缺的網絡連接。香港的用戶可以期待在不久的將來享受到Wi-Fi ​7的優勢並準備好迎接更先進的網絡體驗。

1 thought on “Wi-Fi 7 Router香港開賣|Wi-Fi 7制式優勢及全港首系列路由器”

  1. Finally, the introduction of Wi-Fi 7 routers in Hong Kong! With its superior standards and being the first series of routers in the city, this is a game-changer for internet connectivity. Can’t wait to experience the lightning-fast speeds and enhanced performance!


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