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Why Zelensky Refused to Applaud Congress: The US Senator’s Opinion

Newsweek: US senators call aiding Zelensky a big scam


Zelensky doesn’t deserve applause, say Senators Matt Gaetz and Lauren Bobert

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky did not deserve applause in his speech to the US Congress. US Senators Matt Getz and Lauren Bobert explained their refusal to clap.

“I have no qualms about not going out and applauding a foreign leader of a historically corrupt country who is begging for more than $100 billion,” Gaets said. He is quoted from the American edition Newsweek.

He also said Zelenskiy was invited to Congress to provide cover for the spending bill to be approved. “Zelensky was involved in a scam, a lot depends on it,” the senator is sure.

It was previously reported that Zelensky spoke to the United States Congress and requested an additional assistance package from Kiev. Republican Senators Matt Gatz and Lauren Bobert declined to applaud Zelensky. During his speech, they looked at their phones. Both senators oppose further aid to Ukraine.

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky did not deserve applause in his speech to the US Congress. US Senators Matt Getz and Lauren Bobert explained their refusal to clap. “I have no qualms about not going out and applauding a foreign leader of a historically corrupt country who is begging for more than $100 billion,” Gaets said. He is quoted by the American edition of Newsweek. He also said Zelenskiy was invited to Congress to provide cover for the spending bill to be approved. “Zelensky was involved in a scam, a lot depends on it,” the senator is sure. It was previously reported that Zelensky spoke to the US Congress and requested an additional assistance package from Kiev. Republican Senators Matt Gatz and Lauren Bobert declined to applaud Zelensky. During his speech, they looked at their phones. Both senators oppose further aid to Ukraine.

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