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Why You Should Eat Quail Eggs Every Day: 18 Benefits for the Whole Family

Home Lifestyle Why you should eat quail eggs every day. 18 benefits for the whole family

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Next time you go shopping, put a box of quail eggs in your basket. They are tasty and especially very rich in nutrients, so it would be good to eat quail eggs every day. They have been consumed for thousands of years, and the Chinese have even used them medicinally for their health benefits. Discover why you should eat quail eggs every day. Find out what health benefits they have.

Cristina Catana

Published: September 24, 2023, 06:00

You can consume quail eggs daily depending on your health / Shutterstock

Quail eggs can be eaten in a multitude of ways. Even if you don’t like to cook, you can boil them and eat them plain or in a salad. However, they are also used in refined dishes and you will find them in the gourmet menus of luxury restaurants.

However, they have been identified as sustainable food in underdeveloped countries and also as an alternative food resource by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Nutritional values ​​of quail eggs

Quail eggs are considered a delicacy in many parts of the world. They are a healthy and delicious way to add more protein, vitamins and minerals to your diet. A single quail egg has only 14 calories, but provides a high dose of vitamin B12, selenium, riboflavin and choline along with some iron.

Calories: 14 grams Total fats: 1 g Saturated fats: 0,3 g Cholesterol: 0,84 mg Sodium: 1,41 mg Proteins: 1,3 g Vitamin D: 0,55 mcg Calcium: 0,64 mg Iron: 0,36 mg Potassium: 1,32 mg

They are also rich in antioxidants, selenium, lecithin, iodine and choline. We invite you to discover the recipe for chicken drumsticks with quail eggs. It is a simple and delicious dish.

Why you should eat quail eggs

According to studies conducted over time, quail eggs improve immunity, stimulate bone health, help maintain a healthy complexion and prevent hair loss.

Some research shows it helps manage depression and improve sexual health and vision.

Quail eggs are rich in nutrients

Quail eggs are more nutritious than chicken eggs. They contain 13% protein, while chicken eggs contain only 11%. They also have almost 3 times more vitamin B1 and twice the amount of vitamin B2 and vitamin A as chicken eggs.

According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), a quail egg is rich in vitamin E, amino acids, fatty acids, iron and zinc. In some cases, chicken eggs can cause allergic reactions with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, stomach pain and skin rashes, which is not the case with quail eggs.

They can help treat respiratory disorders

In ancient times, quail eggs were used to treat asthma and bronchitis. A study published in Food Science & Nutrition found that a quail egg dietary supplement was effective in relieving symptoms of allergic rhinitis.

They can help treat allergies

Eating quail eggs can help relieve symptoms of asthma, allergies and other respiratory problems. Due to their high protein and healthy fat content, they can help reduce inflammation in the body.

A study in China on mice found that quail eggs can help relieve symptoms of food allergies. However, research on human subjects is needed to demonstrate this benefit.

They can help manage the symptoms of diabetes

A study on diabetic rats showed that quail eggs reduced blood glucose and creatinine levels.

Positive effects on kidney functions have also been shown. Quail eggs have a low glycemic index. Thus, it slowly releases sugar into the blood, which helps regulate blood glucose levels.

May reduce the risk of anemia

Iron is an important structural component of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all cells in the body. Quail eggs are a rich source of iron. Iron deficiency can cause anemia.

Therefore, including quail eggs in the diet can increase the level of iron in the blood and improve the functioning of the circulatory system.

Quail eggs have 5 times more potassium than chicken eggs. Potassium is an essential mineral involved in several important functions of the body, because it is a natural vasodilator. This helps keep blood pressure under control and regulates hypertension.

They can have a detoxifying role

Quail eggs have a high content of antioxidants: beta-carotene and vitamins A, C and E. They have the role of fighting against free radicals, but also of eliminating them from the body.

Studies in rats have found that quail eggs can protect liver cells from damage caused by chemical agents. Compounds in quail eggs stabilize enzymes such as alanine aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase in the liver.

Relieves stomach pains

Quail eggs have been used since the Middle Ages as a remedy for stomach pain associated with gastritis. Antioxidants and amino acids restore cells of the stomach lining. However, there is no research to support this claim.

Can improve vision

Quail eggs are rich in vitamin A which has proven effects on protecting the eyes from degeneration. It also reduces the risk of cataracts and glaucoma.

They improve immunity and stimulate metabolism

Quail eggs are rich in antioxidants and vitamin B. These nutrients can improve metabolism. They also contain leucine, an essential amino acid in maintaining a robust immune system.

They can help lower cholesterol

Quail eggs contain 60% essential fats, i.e. high-density lipoproteins (HDL) or good cholesterol. They help lower the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body.

Excess LDL can clog arteries and cause atherosclerosis, which in the long run leads to cardiovascular disease.

They can help prevent cancer

Due to the high concentration of antioxidants in quail eggs, toxins will be removed more easily from the body by reducing oxidative stress. Quail egg yolks contain lecithin, which has the role of repairing cells and fighting cellular damage.

The egg white also contains ovomucoid, an anticancer agent that inhibits the growth of tumors.

They can improve skin health

It is also the antioxidants that help protect the skin from sun damage and fight the signs of aging.

Quail eggs contain lysine, an amino acid that stimulates collagen production. This is essential for healthy skin, to which it restores elasticity.

Helps maintain healthy hair

Quail eggs contain zinc, iron, selenium, amino acids and vitamins A, B, C and E, which are beneficial for hair and scalp health. They can also reduce hair loss and premature graying.

They are beneficial during pregnancy

Do not hesitate to consume quail eggs during pregnancy because they have high amounts of choline and vitamin B12. Choline is important for fetal brain development. Zinc, selenium and iron are also beneficial.

Quail eggs are just as good after you’ve given birth. Research on the effect of quail eggs on lactating mice showed that, despite their high cholesterol content, they did not affect the lipid profile or body weight of the mice.

They can help treat sexual disorders

The Chinese used quail eggs in traditional medicine to treat sexual disorders and improve virility.

A study in diabetic mice showed that quail egg yolks may help repair testicular damage, but more studies are needed.

They can treat kidney ailments

Quail eggs are rich in antioxidants that remove toxic heavy metals and free radicals from the body. They can also prevent the formation of kidney stones.

They can strengthen bones, teeth and nails

Quail eggs contain essential nutrients for bone development: vitamin D and lysine. Studies show that these nutrients also help maintain healthy teeth and strong nails. The protein intake also helps to keep beautiful nails that do not become brittle.

Not only quail eggs sound beneficial, but also that of their shells. They are rich in calcium, a mineral that helps keep the bone system strong.

They can help relieve depression

Quail eggs contain nutrients like choline and vitamin D, which are essential for brain health. Choline is important for neurotransmitter synthesis, and vitamin D may be effective in reducing symptoms of depression.

However, more studies are needed to provide solid evidence to support this.

How to eat quail eggs

Eggs can be eaten in a number of ways, depending on your preferences. The easiest way is to boil them for about 2-3 minutes for a soft-boiled egg or 4-5 minutes for a hard-boiled egg. You can serve them as they are or season them with salt and pepper.

You can make an omelet from quail eggs just like you can from chicken eggs. Break them into a bowl, beat them well, add salt, pepper, vegetables, cheese or other favorite ingredients, and prepare a delicious omelette.

Quail eggs can also be added to salads to enrich them nutritionally. Either boil them and cut them in half, or put them whole in the salad.

Quail eggs can be preserved in brine, which will give them a unique flavor. For this, boil the eggs, peel them and put them in a mixture of water, salt and vinegar or lemon juice. You can also add various spices to give them a special taste.

Due to their small size, quail eggs are perfect for use in sushi or sashimi. They add a delicate touch and an attractive look.

How many quail eggs can you eat in a day

A single quail egg weighs about 10 g. It is recommended to eat 3 to 5 quail eggs to replace one chicken egg, which weighs about 50 g.

Because they have a fairly high intake of cholesterol, it is good not to exceed the limit of 10 eggs every day. However, take your health and age into account when deciding how much to include in your menu.

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2023-09-24 03:10:47
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