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Why you should eat healthy after 40: specialist explains the consequences of not doing so | Life

Maintaining good habits is crucial throughout life, but the earlier they are established, the greater the benefits. In a recent study by scientists at the Harvard Universitydetermined that eating healthy from the age of 40 promotes good physical and cognitive fitness at age 70.

So, at 40, it is a key time for preventing chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and even some types of cancer.

Therefore, everyday decisions take on particular relevance at this stage of life.

The keys to healthy aging

The research led by the Harvard Universitytook as a reference the data of more than 100,000 people over 30 years, showing that those who followed a healthy diet from the age of 40 had between 43% and 84% more likely to function well physically and mentally at age 70, compared to those who did not, according to EFE.

“People who followed healthy dietary patterns in midlife, especially those rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats, were much more likely to age healthily, suggesting that what you eat in midlife may play a significant role in how you age.”says Anne-Julie Tessier, a researcher at the Harvard School of Public Health.

The scientific team also determined that a higher consumption of trans fats, sodium, red meats and processed meats was associated with a lower probability of aging in a healthy way.

The impact of having good habits

To find out what measures need to be taken, at BioBioChile we spoke with Dr. Sandra Lanza, president of the Chilean Society of Lifestyle Medicine (SOCHIMEV) which provided a series of recommendations for trying to age in a healthy way.

In this regard, maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, managing stress, and avoiding tobacco and alcohol consumption are factors that can prolong life, Sandra Lanza tells BBCL.

For the professional, it is important to consider that it is always a good time to change habits and that “You don’t have to be 40 to leave”.


“Today there is sufficient evidence that, for example, arteriosclerotic diseases They have their first signs in childhood, at around 10 years of age. Therefore, establishing habits from childhood is an excellent strategy. Take care of our diet, get a good rest, avoid consuming toxic substances, stay physically active, learn to manage stress and maintaining positive social relationships will lead to healthy aging.”complements.

Care after 40

–What are the health risks for a 40-year-old? Are there differences between men and women?

At age 40, risks such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular problems begin to manifest themselves more strongly.

In women, the impact of the perimenopausal period can be observed, where the cardiovascular protection offered by estrogens is lost. In men, there may be an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and problems related to prostate health.

Although both genders face similar risks, women over 40 have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and breast and cervical cancer. In men, the risk of prostate cancer increases at this age.

–What check-ups are essential at age 40?

At age 40, it is essential to have regular medical check-ups, ideally with a family doctor who has a comprehensive view of health. This check-up should include a thorough assessment of the person’s habits, a complete physical examination, blood pressure monitoring and laboratory tests such as cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Women should begin with mammograms and, later, bone density tests, while men should consider a prostate health checkup. Other tests will vary depending on each individual’s history and particular conditions.

–Are there foods that promote physical and mental functioning?

There are no magic foods or superfoods that will improve overall health on their own – they are more of a marketing ploy. While some foods have been linked to specific benefits, it is most important to consider a person’s overall eating pattern.

The dietary pattern that is associated with better health outcomes and longevity is one that includes a high amount of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains (such as quinoa, whole oats, brown rice, and mote), seeds, and nuts, due to their high fiber, phytochemical, antioxidant, vitamin, and mineral content.

–What are the most common pathologies in Chile that affect people over 40 years old?

In Chile, the most common pathologies in women over 40 years of age include cardiovascular and metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, as well as cancers such as breast and cervical cancer.

In men, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases are also prevalent, along with prostate-related problems.

Furthermore, in both men and women, overweight and obesity are important risk factors that can trigger a range of chronic diseases.

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