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Why you need to pee more often in cold weather

Your body reacts in different ways to a falling temperature.

Shrinking Blood Vessels

The shrinking of your blood vessels in response to the falling temperature could be one of the causes. Because the blood vessels shrink, there is less room for the blood. As a result, the kidneys have to extract more water from the blood and this water ends up in the bladder. That explains that full bladder.

Wrong signals

Another possible cause is a theory that is still under investigation. Our skin contains a kind of built-in thermometers, these are also called TRP channels. These molecular meters send signals to the brain when it senses that it is cold. These signals can also signal to your brain that your bladder is full and you need to urinate. That would explain a lot!

tense bladder

Then there is another cause, and it mainly occurs in people who already have a very bad condition sensitive bladder for example due to bladder problems. When the bladder and urethra are very sensitive, they will tighten faster in the cold. This also causes a feeling of fullness. Women who are in the menopause are relatively more likely to have these complaints. This is because the production of the hormone estrogen decreases, and this hormone ensures the production of the protective mucous membrane around the urethra.


Some tips if you suffer from this are pelvic floor muscle exercises, dress warmly and still drink enough despite having to pee often, but avoid caffeinated drinks. Always go to the doctor if you have a lot of trouble with your bladder.

Can you get a bladder infection from the cold? Doctor Rutger says:

Source: MAX

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