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Why You Feel Dizzy After Eating: Causes and Solutions


Some people feel dizzy after eating. Do not be underestimated, this can happen because of this.

Dizziness is a common disease. This condition can occur at any time, including after eating.

There are several reasons behind the presence of a feeling of dizziness after eating. As summarized from healthshots.com (21/02), nutritionist Vaishali Verma, HCMCT at Manipal Hospitals, Dwarka, New Delhi explains the reasons for dizziness after eating.

1. Reasons for dizziness after eating

Usually the feeling of dizziness after eating comes with a condition called postpandial hypotension. Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto/maruco

Usually when someone feels dizzy, one of the things that can be done besides resting is to give the body healthy food intake. But why after eating, the head can be dizzy?

Dizziness after eating occurs for several reasons. Verma highlights a condition called postprandial hypotension. Postprandial is the medical term for the time after eating. While hypotension means low blood pressure.

In other words, this condition refers to a drop in blood pressure after eating. It generally occurs in older adults and causes them to suddenly feel dizzy and fall.

According to Verma, this decrease in blood pressure occurs when there is a transfer of blood from the brain and body to the intestines to help digestion. Eventually it causes a decrease in blood flow to the brain.

2. Factors that cause dizziness after eating

Postprandial hypotension can be caused by several factors. For example, aging, certain drugs such as diuretics and beta blockers, autonomic nervous system disorders, to some congenital diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, concluded Verma.

Postprandial hypotension is a temporary condition, but may have more severe consequences if blood pressure becomes too low. The most dangerous side effect of this disease is fainting. In severe cases, low blood flow to the brain can cause a stroke.

How to deal with dizziness after eating can be seen on the next page!


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