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Why would Putin kill people in the Dnieper – Yakovina video / NV

Vladimir Putin, as commander in chief, is the modern incarnation of Osama bin Laden (Photo: REUTERS)

Putin realized that he had lost the opportunity to win on the battlefield. Therefore, he took up the old – for terrorism

Vladimir Putin, as commander in chief, is the modern incarnation of Osama bin Laden, the master terrorist of the 90s and 2000s, who was hunted by the whole world. But Vladimir Putin caused the death of many more civilians than bin Laden. He is a much worse terrorist and has been involved in bombings and assassinations in many more countries than bin Laden. Putin, in my opinion, surpassed bin Laden in that now it is he, Putin, who is the No. 1 terrorist in the world.

At some point, Putin realized that he had lost the opportunity to win on the battlefield by purely military means. Therefore, he has now fully taken up the old – terrorism.

Why «old” I call it? Yes, because Vladimir Putin came to power with the help of terrorism, blowing up houses, killing civilians.

Many have already forgotten. In 1999, he was little known … yes, generally unknown to anyone a gray, small, frail KGB officer who was pulled out from which hole it is not clear. And no one was even going to vote for him at the then upcoming presidential elections in the Russian Federation. It was necessary for him then to urgently make a name and show that he was cool. In general, the most important task facing Boris Yeltsin and his people at that time was to kill completely critical thinking in the minds of the Russian population, which was then much more critical than it is now, and to cause in this population a storm of hatred that will overshadow reason. Moreover, hatred towards another national group. Now, of course, Vladimir Putin is causing a storm of hatred towards the Ukrainians, then in the place of the Ukrainians there were Chechens.

Then Chechens were in place of the Ukrainians

And what then began? In Russia, houses began to explode at night. That is, there were the same pictures outwardly as it is now in the Dnieper – there is a standard Soviet high-rise building and a huge smoking hole gapes in the middle of it. The wreckage lies, and under them dozens of people. Houses in Moscow were blown up – two houses on Guryanov Street and on Kashirskoye Highway. A house exploded in Volgodonsk. Absolutely the same picture, like now – a house, in this house – a hole. The explosive that was then used by Vladimir Putin and his people to blow up houses was hexogen. The same RDX is used in the Kh-22 rocket, which hit a house in the city of Dnipro. History thus, in a sense, made a circle.

By the way, about Volgodonsk. Few people know this story.

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