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Why when drunk makes guys hotter? : health of the Okezone

PART believer, drinking alcohol makes you more energized. But others also believe that after drinking alcohol, sexual arousal actually decreased and I just wanted to sleep early.

This difference in perception is real in society. However, it is undeniable that drinking alcohol makes a man, i.e. a man, more horny. And it’s much appreciated.

That’s why, not a few couples add alcohol during foreplay, because it makes the man more passionate.

The positive effect of alcohol on sex was conveyed by professional sex specialist Dr. Kat Van Kirk that there is a delay in ejaculation if a man consumes a reasonable amount of alcohol before sex.

“There is increased libido and more intense erections, increased sexual stamina, and alcohol is thought to help maintain stamina so that sexual activity is more passionate,” said Dr. Kirk, quoted by MNC Portal from The Guardian.

There is also scientific evidence that can answer this belief. Described in a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, on 1,580 men who were asked about erection, alcohol and tobacco use, it emerged that men who drink alcohol in moderation report erection problems 30% less than men non-drinkers.

The scientific paper interprets that there is a “beneficial relationship” between moderate drinking and erectile function.

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The same thing was also revealed by a study reported by The Independent according to which women who drink moderately increase their testosterone levels. In men it is the opposite.

The data comes from the results of observations of researchers who divided groups of women who drank alcohol and those who did not, and in the group who drank alcohol, levels of the hormone testosterone increased.

Furthermore, the dose of how much alcohol you drink appears to play an important role in terms of increasing libido. “There may be an optimal amount of alcohol to induce a libido-enhancing effect, after exceeding that threshold, the effects of alcohol become negative,” The Guardian report explains.

This idea is supported by the biphasic nature of alcohol which is a stimulating effect as blood alcohol concentrations rise, but the effect diminishes as a depressive phase is entered.

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