Why was rain-fed agriculture given this name? What are rain-fed crops in Saudi Arabia? Many times we hear about several different things and names, and this is the first time we hear about them, and we do not know what these things are and their components, such as rain-fed agriculture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. What is rain-fed agriculture, why was it given this name, and what are the types of crops in it?
Why was rain-fed agriculture given this name?
Rain-fed agriculture has many different types, and they are crops that obtained their nutrition mostly from rain or water bodies, but before we go into what is the meaning of rain-fed agriculture and what are rain-fed crops, we will first know why rain-fed agriculture was given this name?
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There were different opinions on this question. Some believe that the reason for calling rain-fed agriculture by this name is because this type of agriculture is cultivated rain-fed, that is, through rainwater, as we mentioned. Others believe that it was named by this name in reference to the god Baal, known in some myths as the god of water. The second opinion is likely to be more correct.
Rainfed crops in Saudi Arabia
Rainfed crops in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia include both permanent crops such as coffee, tea, and rubber, as well as annual crops such as wheat, rice, and corn. The types of rainfed crops are as follows:
- Vegetables: This is like peas, chickpeas, peanuts, and others.
- Cereals: Wheat, oats, millet and rye.
- the plant: Tomatoes, watermelon, onions, cucumbers, cucumbers and others.
Types of rain-fed agriculture
There are several types of rain-fed agriculture, which we will learn about through the following points:
- Simple primitive agricultureIt means growing simple rain-fed crops that meet the family’s needs. This type is considered one of the most famous and used among primitive tribes in the tropical regions.
- Mixed farmingIt is a type of rain-fed agriculture that combines animal husbandry and agriculture, where various crops are grown and then sold, and the remaining crops are given to livestock as fodder.
- Extended agricultureExpanded agriculture relies on scientific methods and the use of modern machinery, with the aim of increasing production and then storing these agricultural crops.
- Intensive agricultureThis agriculture is spread throughout Central America, South America, and Southeast Asia, and depends on ensuring family demand for vegetables and rice.
Rain-fed agriculture is widespread in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in a number of other countries, whether Arab or foreign. This type of agriculture has several types, ranging from intensive, expanded, simple, primitive agriculture and others. These crops are diverse and are grown with rainwater and swamps that contain water pools. .
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2023-12-08 16:41:01
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