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Why was Macron alone in courting Iran?

On the evening of Saturday, October 5, the French president issued a statement against statements made by President Emmanuel Macron earlier that angered Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The statement made it clear that France would continue to send parts used for the defense system, which Israel specifically calls Iron Dome.
What the French leadership released is what the viewer has been waiting for, because since October 7, France has placed itself in the Israeli camp, because despite the crimes that Israel has done and is still doing in the Middle East, Paris has not issued a condemnation. of the crimes. But what is surprising and must be noted is what Mr. Macron said. Or did Macron really mean what he said?
The President of France had previously asked to stop the delivery of weapons to Israel to fight in Gaza, because a political solution is the priority rather than continuing the war. Macron said in statements to France Inter radio, “I believe that the priority today is to return to a political solution, and to stop giving weapons to fight battles in Gaza.
Macron is clear in what he said, and what is clearer is that it was not a slip of the tongue, or a verbal decline, but a result of the rapprochement policies he followed with Iran and Hezbollah.
Regardless of whether Macron’s intentions were sincere towards Lebanon and Gaza in his request for a ceasefire and an end to military aid to the Israeli army, it is certain that Macronism has damaged France’s relations with Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon. strengthen by strengthening the economic interconnection. in Lebanon all the way to Iraq.
Macron came to Lebanon on August 6, 2020, that is, two days after the bombing of the port of Beirut, known as “Petroshima” compared to the tragedy of the Japanese city of Hiroshima, which was hit by a nuclear bomb during the t -World. World War II with the American army. Mr. Macron did not care much about the causes of the Asr bombing, where he was killed in 250 minutes and more than 6,000 others were injured, as well as the great destruction caused by the explosion. Instead, Macron only skipped over the pain of Lebanon to find French investments and interests, which is why he took a step forward and opened a new page with Hezbollah in Lebanon, and on behind, with Iran in the region.
Macron, like other French presidents who arrive at the Elysee Palace, has a desire to restore the influence of France to its former state. Not necessarily to the mandate period between the First and Second World Wars, but to document the diplomatic and economic presence in the region, especially after the US Geological Survey confirmed, since 2010, that there is a lot of oil and gas on the shores. of the Mediterranean Sea.
The Hezbollah delegation was not expected to come to the Pine Palace, where the French embassy in Beirut is located, where Macron held a round table meeting that included all the political leaders. This meeting was aimed at Macron developing a new road map for Lebanon, but he has a direct goal of working with the party to ensure the success of the signing of the maritime border delimitation agreement between Lebanon and Israel, so that the French company “Total” can explore and extract oil from some oil fields in Lebanon, especially Block No. 9 in the southern region.
The French rapprochement with Hezbollah was helped by the victory of the French company CMA-AGM in the competition to restore the port of Beirut, which has its headquarters in Marseille, France, as announced by the Lebanese Minister of Operations and Transport , Ali Hamiya, that Lebanon gave him permission. the French company managed, operated and maintained the container terminal in the port of Beirut for ten years.
From Lebanon to Iraq, Macron is investing economically in a rapprochement policy, as the Iraqi Ministry of Oil and Energy announced in 2022 that an agreement had been signed with the French company Total to provide $27 billion investment in 4 major projects in the energy sector. Macron was able to end his first term with more investment agreements for French companies, by linking the conflict in the Middle East with Iran and Hezbollah. That is why the French rapprochement with Hezbollah was a natural result of France’s openness to Iran, despite Iran’s alignment with Russia in its war with the West. But reports confirm that Mr. Macron is able to separate the interests of France and its companies from the changes on the international scene.
It is not long for Macron to tweet outside the Western flock and America in particular, since he has always been determined since he assumed the presidency the “jugular cord” between Europe and to separate the American way, and he was the first to call for the establishment of a European army, to protect the interests of Europe. Macron believes that by imposing its hegemony on the world, Washington was able to control its decisions.
Macron may have a French calculation in the region, far from the American and Israeli calculations, and to maintain his efforts over the past years, and the fear that the​​​​ circle of war, he asked for a truce. He fears the destruction of Lebanon and the expansion of the war into the region as a whole. This will endanger the interests of his companies. It seems that Macron is also a good reader of history, because he thinks that this is a good opportunity to decline America’s influence in the region, so he just has to reserve a seat for his country, but his desire is linked to the developments ahead. the ground in the region, whether the conflict expands to include Tehran or whether it is heading towards a settlement.
D. Gerard Dib

#Macron #courting #Iran
2024-10-08 15:41:00

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