Publicist Vitaly Portnikov answered the question why Ukraine most likely will not be admitted to the EU in six years.
The 24 Channel TV presenter asked Vitaly Portnikov if we end the war earlier than in six years, will we still need to wait our turn to join the European Union or will we be accepted faster. The political expert did not hide the fact that there is a high probability that over these years we will not be able to completely defeat the Russians, which means that we will be able to join the EU much later.
Vitaly Portnikov’s opinion on what awaits Ukraine in the next six years can be found in the video on YouTube.
The Ukrainian journalist expressed his point of view on what awaits us in the next six years: “You and I cannot say that in five years the issue of the territorial integrity of Ukraine will be resolved. In six years, the war could theoretically end, although there are no big prerequisites for this . In six years, the hot phase of the war can end and the phase of permanent trench warfare can begin without the parties hoping to move to a line of contact that is controlled by the other side. All this could, in principle, happen in six years.“.
Then the publicist emphasized: “I want to repeat that it’s not a matter of war, it’s primarily a matter of a political agreement that should end the war, and I think that the Russian Federation will not sign any agreements with us precisely so that there is no Euro-Atlantic integration. You just have to always put yourself in the place of the Russians. What needs to be done to ensure that Ukraine remains forever in the gray zone? Don’t negotiate with her. This is logical and correct from the point of view of the empire“.
Vitaly Portnikov also voiced several possible scenarios in which we are unlikely to be accepted into the EU: “The second issue is territorial integrity. If the line of conflict does not lie along our state border, can we be members of the EU and NATO? And if the line of contact runs along our state border, and the war still continues with rocket attacks on Ukrainian territories and constant military clashes between Russian and Ukrainian military on the state border of Ukraine, then can Ukraine become a member of the EU at that moment or not? “
Earlier, Portnikov told what Putin “didn’t lie about” in his “direct line.”
Portnikov also warned when the occupation of new regions of Ukraine might occur.
Let us recall that Portnikov named an event after which Putin’s “business trip” in the Kremlin could end.
2023-12-16 14:25:40
#Portnikov #announced #forecast #Ukraine #years #war #continue..