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Why Third-Party Insurance is the Minimum You Should Have as a Motorcycle Rider

Find out what third-party insurance is and why it is the minimum you should hire to ride your motorcycle.

May 4, 2023 (10:46 AM CET)

What is third party insurance

If you are a responsible and cautious motorcyclist, you should know what is third party insurance and what does it cover It is important to keep in mind that this type of policy is very common for many people who want to insure their vehicles without investing too much.

In this article, we will explore this type of insurance in detail, its features and benefits, the coverage available, and why it is the minimum recommended to have it as part of your motorcycle protection.

What is third party insurance?

Third-party insurance is a type of policy that covers material damage or injuries caused under your responsibility, to other people, in the event of an accident with your motorcycle.

In other words, if, as the policy holder, you are the cause of an accident in which another person is injured or their property is damaged, your third-party insurance will be in charge of covering the expenses related to third-party damages and injuries.

It is important to bear in mind that third-party insurance only covers damage to other people, and is not responsible for those suffered by you or your motorcycle.

In other words, the insurance does not cover a fall from the motorcycle, if it happens to you alone, since it is damage that you have received.

What does third party insurance cover?

It is important to note that the exact coverage of a third party insurance can vary depending on the insurance company and the regulations of the country or region in which you are located.

Therefore, it is always important to carefully review the terms and conditions of your policy to fully understand what is covered and what is not.

In general, third-party insurance covers the following aspects, in the event of a loss or accident with your motorcycle.

civil liability

It refers to the fact that the policy includes damage caused to the property of third parties, such as vehicles, buildings, fences or other objects, in the event that, being the policy holder, you are responsible.

The insurance will cover the cost of repairing or replacing the damaged property.

bodily injury

If another person is injured in an accident with your motorcycle and you are responsible, your third-party insurance will cover medical expenses, rehabilitation and compensation for damages resulting from injuries.

Legal defense

By contracting your insurance to third parties you will have covered the legal expenses associated with a claim or demand from a third party in the event of an accident in which you are responsible, for your defense.

Advice and claims management

In the event of an accident with your motorcycle, third-party insurance can provide advice and assistance in managing third-party claims.

Additional coverage to the third party damage policy

To the motorcycle insurance policy for third parties, you can add additional coverage to the basic civil liability insurance.

That is to say, you will be able to acquire a motorcycle insurance policy from third parties, and increase its coverage.

One of the main extended coverages is motorcyclist insurance to cover your personal damages. Includes health care, transfer to the medical center and hospitalization, as well as pharmaceutical fees and expenses.

In addition to these, and according to the products of the insurance company, there are additional coverages that improve insurance coverage for third parties, such as:

  • Theft coverage.
  • Vehicle replacement.
  • Fire Coverage.

Before insuring your motorcycle, check that the policies they offer you meet your needs. Third-party insurance will only take care of the damage that you cause to others, but at no time will they cover your own damage.

2023-05-04 09:00:55
#party #insurance #cover

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