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Why There Are No Human Clones Yet? Professor from Stanford Explains


In 1996, a sheep named Dolly was born as clone the world’s first mammal. This discovery makes many people believe that one day there will be more clones of others, especially humans. First, what is cloning?

According to the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), cloning is a process to produce identical genetic copies of a biological entity. In addition, cloning can also be modified so as to produce other individuals who are more ‘perfect’.

After Dolly, many other animals were born as clones, such as cats, deer, and wolves. If a human clone were to be made, what technique would you use?

To make human clones, Live Science said the experiment would most likely use reproductive cloning techniques. This technique will use mature somatic cells or skin cells. The DNA from the skin cells will be placed in the donor egg cells whose DNA has been removed. The egg will then begin to develop in a test tube before being implanted into the uterus of an adult woman.

However, scientists still haven’t found the exact reason for making clone man.

“I don’t think there’s a good reason to make (human) clones,” said Hank Greely, quoted from Live Science.

“Human cloning is a very dramatic act and is one of the topics driving American bioethics,” he added.

The Stanford University professor of law and genetics said ethical concerns around human cloning are many and varied. Potential problems from cloning include psychological, social and physiological risks (basic needs such as security). In addition, cloning can also lead to a very high probability of death.

According to Britannica, cloning can also be used by proponents of eugenics. Eugenics is a group of people who support the elimination of the diseased and disabled and the reproduction of healthy individuals. As did the German dictator Adolf Hitler.

Furthermore, clone can be considered to violate the principles of human dignity, freedom and equality. What do you think, detik.com?

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