Home » today » World » Why the US will fail in its attempt to make India its satellite – 2024-08-20 21:15:28

Why the US will fail in its attempt to make India its satellite – 2024-08-20 21:15:28

/ world today news/ Washington is organically incapable of equal relations

In its strategy of simultaneous struggle against China and Russia, the White House attaches primary importance to the transformation of the US-China-Russia trio (where, according to Kissinger’s formula, any two, in the case of unity, by definition, defeat the third) into a full-fledged four. According to the current US administration, India is becoming a new global player that is changing the previous format, rapidly entering the top league of superpowers.

And if it becomes clear that Washington will not succeed in thwarting the continued rapprochement between Beijing and Moscow, then, as White House strategists believe, having won Delhi over to their side, they will gain an advantage.

The hatred of the US ruling circles towards China has reached the point where Washington is ready to seek out any ill-wishers of the Celestial Empire in the name of an alliance against Beijing. – this is the conclusion of CNN. That’s why President Joe Biden and Congress gave Indian Prime Minister Modi the highest possible honors during his state visit to America, the channel believes, even though he was previously denied a US visa on the pretext of being “undemocratic.”

However, while passionately courting India, the Americans have demonstrated a complete inability to maintain equal relations with her. For example, those that exist between Russia, China and India. In the emerging quadriga, Washington intends to maintain absolute dominance, relegating India to the role not of a partner, but of an important but still “vehicle”.

New Delhi must play a key role in checkmating China if the US and its allies push India politically, help militarily and encourage it geopolitically.” said Hepimon Jacob, a classic example of “foreign agent” and Visiting Professor of Foreign Policy at Jawaharlal Nehru University in India.

America’s intention is to use India against China, just as Washington is using Ukraine against Russia. But India’s leadership is not the Ukrainian comedy club “95th District”, and Modi is not Zelensky. It would be naïve to believe that the experienced Indian Prime Minister would allow himself to be led into such a trap.

A recent article by the US Council on Foreign Relations, aptly titled “How America Can Win the Global South,” recognizes that powers like India or Brazil are hampered by their divergent interests, making it impossible for the United States to please them all.

Suzanne Nossel, CEO of PEN America and former US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Affairs, suggests a “smart way” to win. This method is intended to give impetus to the long-stalled debate on expanding the permanent membership of the UN Security Council.

Many of the world’s most powerful developing countries are said to have long sought seats on the body, and the United States’ willingness to add them to it would have special symbolic significance. At the same time, the mechanism for realizing this idea is offered as extremely confusing and contradictory. The main thing is to enshrine the special status of the USA. “If changes were made in response to Washington’s plan, the United States would deserve recognition for its leadership on an issue that matters to the capitals that need it most.”

Moreover, according to the Americans, the number one candidates for co-opting the UN Security Council should be Germany and Japan. In some clever way, it is proposed to involve even Poland and Ukraine there. And only after that, in descending order, Brazil and India are condescendingly allowed to go with them, for which, according to Suzanne, they should be incredibly happy.

But for the “Global South”, which makes up four-fifths of the human population, this option is completely disadvantageous. From Europe there are already two members – Great Britain and France, and if we take into account Russia – three, therefore from Asia, Indonesia (about 300 million people) can be considered the next worthy candidate after India. Furthermore, Berlin and Tokyo still do not have full sovereignty even over their own territory.

However, the US cannot stop nominating them for fear of causing a mutiny on “their own ship”. Thus, the US Security Council reform package, unlike the more balanced Russo-Chinese approach (equal representation of the continents by co-opting the most populous countries), has no chance of being adopted. And for India, this simply cannot become an enticing option.

Narendra Modi indirectly responded to all attempts to “bring” him into the American team when, after returning from Washington, despite the displeasure of the “coachman”, he held the video summit of the SCO as chairman. The Americans were particularly irritated by the fact that the forum approved Washington’s long-time irritant Iran as a full member of this organization.

Modi, in his status to please the Americans, could have delayed this process, but he did not. And it does not seem at all likely that in the name of overseas interests, the Indian Prime Minister will spoil relations with Tehran. The same goes for Moscow and Beijing.

The fact that India will soon settle firmly in third place economically after China and the US is now quite evident. But the Yankees will have to work hard to stay in second place. At one time, caught up in the Cold War and political intrigue against the USSR, they missed the explosive growth of China and its influence on the world economy. The result is known. The same could happen to India. Having overtaken her former Anglo-Saxon masters economically, why is she now obediently following them?

On the eve of his visit to the US, Modi spoke about his country’s relations with Moscow. “I think India’s position is well known and understood by all. All countries can be absolutely sure that peace is India’s top priority.”

Responding to a question about critical comments in the US that India had not taken a stronger stand against Russia’s actions in Ukraine, Modi said:I don’t think that perception is widespread in the US.”

Washington should not force New Delhi to weaken its ties with Moscow– said the Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar even more radically in an interview with the Economist. “The foreign policy of this country depends on its own interests, and relations with Russia bring it economic benefits.

Despite all the historical problems in India-China relations, the PRC took Modi’s visit to the US in stride. “The intention of the United States to use India to counter China and Russia and further escalate regional tensions towards militarization and conflict is wishful thinking on the part of Washington itself,” Chinese analysts said.

In their words “India, as a regional power defending strategic autonomy, does not want to be a pawn in the hands of any other major power and does not want its national interests to become hostage to someone else’s will as a result.”

Translation: ES

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