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why the US fears the success of the offensive – Il Tempo

The Ukrainian counteroffensive “is going badly, some even say very badly”. The analyst and director of Domino, Dario Fabbri, extinguishes the illusions. The long-awaited counterattack in Kiev is not having the hoped-for results and the Russian army, despite being forced to remain on the defensive, he continues to hold the front. This is why – according to Fabbri, guest of Omnibus on La 7 on Monday 10 July – the United States would have approved the sending of cluster bombs which, he underlines, “are not normal weapons” However, their supply to the Ukrainians would have a double meaning for Washington.

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On the one hand, to give more strength to the operations of the Ukrainians who, compared to a year ago, are unable to advance at all: “At the time, the Russian army employed in those parts, excluding the mercenaries, was just over 100,000 units; today it is clearly enlarged, some say it is almost three times that figure” and in the meantime, in anticipation of the counter-offensive, that same army has built ditches and trenches and has literally gambled “all out” with the flooding in the oblast of Kherson of the Nova Kakhovka dam. A stalemate for the Ukrainian counter-offensive that Washington does not dislike because according to Fabbri the Americans fear it and “wouldn’t want it to be excessively successful” because “it would greatly provoke the possible use of Russia’s tactical nuclear weapon”.

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On the other hand, the sending of bombs with a high destructive potential would serve to reach a ceasefire in October: the Americans “want to bring to the negotiating table not only Kiev – as is evident – but also Moscow” and the announcement of a delivery of this type could mean: “be careful if we want then the Ukrainian counter-offensive can be more effective than it has been at the moment”. A necessary warning for Moscow after the poor results brought by the weapons already sent by Western countries to Kiev. First of all the Leopards, the tanks that were supposed to break down the Russian defences: “they’re making a so-so figure on the front – and we’re keeping our distance” underlined the analyst.

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A dispatch therefore necessary given that the Kiev army failed to exploit even the most dramatic moment in Moscow’s recent history – namely the attempted coup by Prigozhin and Wagner: “it was not even known whether the Kremlin was still standing or if Putin had fled” and “not even in those hours did she manage to break through the front line”. A supply that will therefore be limited will be a harsh warning to the Russians and will have a purpose, because – concludes Fabbri – “the delivery of these weapons does not mean that the United States wants a sine die war” (with no deadline).

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