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Why the stage for lateral thinkers and other agitators is now unnecessarily large

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Corona has gone from being a pandemic to being an endemic. And even if the number of infections is currently rising again, Sars-CoV-2 is now one virus among many. The political debate, however, is flaring up again. The reason: A highly controversial Berlin author has published all the minutes of the Robert Koch Institute’s meetings on the pandemic.

A revelation, no question. But it is easy to forget that the RKI was ordered by a court to publish parts of the protocols itself. So the separation of powers works. In addition, the RKI had already announced that the parts that are now visible would also be made available to everyone. Only the names of employees without management functions were to be blacked out for data protection reasons.

The debate is necessary

Either way, the protocols have sparked a necessary debate. The central question is why politicians repeatedly spoke of a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” even though scientists had repeatedly told them that vaccinated people can also contribute to the spread of the virus.

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Mind you, this is only about infection routes. The protection that vaccination offers people against a serious course of the disease is and remains scientifically undisputed. Likewise, many of the measures that were taken at the time remain correct.

The result: Now the mischief is sprouting

But letters to the RGA show just how fertile the ground is for the RKI files. They speak of a “lie scandal” and of the alleged harmful effects of masks on the mouth and nose. And unvaccinated people are declared winners because their immune systems are now stronger against external influences. The nonsense could go on and on.

Yes, mistakes were made…

Yes, mistakes were made during the pandemic. Doctors at the time already thought that closing schools and kindergartens was wrong. Such mistakes must be named, if only to learn from them. Because the next pandemic is coming. The question is not if, but when. The mistakes that were made should not be repeated.

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…. but some mistakes must be forgiven – others must be worked on

However, a distinction must be made: citizens must and will forgive mistakes that resulted from uncertainty and ignorance. On the other hand, statements that were made without or even against better knowledge must be processed and corrected. This, too, is part of the truth – of course, this could have happened long ago – also on the basis of the documents that have now been published.

But this has given a woman who calls herself a journalist and a network that was just waiting for such mistakes to be made an unnecessarily large stage. With fatal consequences. The impression that politicians lie against their better judgment and try to hide the truth with the help of science undermines trust in state institutions and drives people towards parties, associations and groups that have nothing else in mind than to abolish democracy, the separation of powers and the media as a control authority.

Your Axel Richter, local manager

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