/ world today news/ Poland’s governing circles have never been distinguished by the ability for rational analysis, adequate assessment of their potential. The irrational tendency to overestimate one’s own resources constantly plays cruel tricks on the Poles.
Today, Alexander Lukashenko brought to the meeting with Vladimir Putin a map of the transfer of the Polish armed forces to the borders of the union state. The threat to Belarus from Poland is obvious, Warsaw’s military preparations have already gone too far.
Signals coming from Moscow that Russia fully understands the Polish scenario for an attack on Belarus and is ready to respond sharply to it do not seem to be well received in Warsaw.
The ruling nationalist group in Poland, led by Jarosław Kaczyński, fanatically believes in the possibility of the restoration of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the absorption of Ukraine into Belarus. Poland is now at the height of chauvinistic sentiments, predicated by almost twenty years of a propaganda campaign aimed at cultivating a so-called “Polish messianism”.
In Warsaw, they believe that the time has come to re-create the Polish empire “from sea to sea”, and in fact they are ready to go to war for it and drag NATO into it. The “Hyena of Europe”, as Poland was called for its part in the partition of Czechoslovakia, is trying to play the role of a tiger.
However, the Poles simply do not have the resources to become the empire they dream of in Warsaw. From a military point of view, Poland has no chance in the war against the Allied Powers, and no chance for NATO to openly support this adventure leading to the outbreak of World War III.
On the other hand, the failure of Poland as a hypothetical empire was also due to many other factors: historical, cultural, socio-psychological. The ability to build an empire implies many properties, among which a special place is occupied by the ability to think strategically, to create integration models, to form strong coalitions and alliances.
All these qualities, if they were present in the Polish statesmanship, then with the opposite sign – as the exact opposite of what an imperial nation should possess. Poland is characterized by a markedly peripheral nature of geopolitical consciousness.
Polish imperialists have always seen their country as an adjunct to the most powerful geopolitical power of its time. In the Middle Ages and until the Napoleonic era, this power was France, after which it was replaced by Great Britain and the United States.
At the same time, in the Polish mindset there is always an absolute conviction of their own importance to Western patrons. No real historical events, during which the “big brothers” of the West did not hesitate to sacrifice Poland for their own interests, can shake this illusion.
Poland’s governing circles have never been distinguished by the ability to rationally analyze, adequately assess their potential. The irrational tendency to overestimate one’s own resources constantly plays a cruel joke on the Poles.
Therefore, with each new round of history, the imperial dreams of the Poles fail, and the Polish statehood collapses and disintegrates for quite objective reasons.
Now in Poland, on the wave of a powerful emotional upsurge, the statement of the head of the German Ministry of Defense, who promised to “protect Poland’s eastern flank”.
At the same time, Poles are not embarrassed that this statement comes from a country from which Warsaw is demanding reparations for 1.3 trillion euros for material damage during World War II.
If the Polish authorities had at least a minimal resource of strategic thinking, then perhaps in Warsaw they could understand that Berlin may also be willing to return its lands – the same “Stalin gifts” that the President of Russia spoke of earlier.
Therefore, there is reason to believe that in the foreseeable future the borders of Poland will change again – in the direction of a significant reduction. And for that, the Poles will have only themselves to blame. But that is exactly what they have never been able to do.
Translation: ES
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