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Why the government wants to increase the production of coal-fired power stations

The electric transport network (RTE) warned, at the end of 2021, on the risks of tensions on its network , “Highest in January and February 2022”. To face this risk, the government is planning a draft decree to relax the limits on the use of its coal-fired power stations, temporarily, to ensure the electricity supply.

How many coal-fired power stations are there in operation in France?

There are three coal-fired power stations still in operation, two at the Cordemais site (Loire-Atlantique) and one at Saint-Avold (Moselle).

What does coal represent in the production of electricity in France?

France produces only 1% of its electricity with coal, nuclear represents 69%, hydraulics 12%, wind power 10% and gas 6%, according to data from RTE.

What are the government’s targets for coal plants?

Very CO emitting2, coal-fired power stations were to be closed by the end of the five-year term ”, Emmanuel Macron declared in 2017. Adopted in November 2019, the energy-climate law acts to stop the production of electricity, from coal, by 2022. It also establishes a ceiling on CO emissions2 for the production of electricity from fossil combustion.

Which plants are closed?

In 2018, the Gardanne (Bouches-du-Rhône) power station was shut down for good, as was the one in Le Havre in March 2021. That of Saint-Avold will close as planned in spring 2022 ”, said the Ministry of Ecological Transition. The closure of the Cordemais power plants is scheduled for 2024.

What does this draft decree provide?

It plans to temporarily increase the cap on CO emissions2 coal-fired power stations still in operation. These could operate 1,000 hours between early January and late February, against less than 750 hours per year, currently. A new threshold of 1 kilotonne of carbon dioxide equivalents per megawatt of installed electrical power is thus established for the period between 1is January and February 28 ”, can we read in the draft decree.

Why this decree?

The purpose of this decree is to avoid electricity supply problems. Since mid-December 2021, several nuclear reactors have been shut down. The forecast availability of the French nuclear fleet is now assessed by RTE in a range between 43 and 51 GW for most of January: this is the lowest level ever reached for the nuclear fleet at this time of year. “, explains RTE.

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