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why the galette does not have a bean in the United States

On January 6, we celebrate Epiphany. Many French people will meet on this occasion around a galette des rois. This famous pastry, composed of puff pastry and frangipane cream or brioche dough in which a bean is hidden, is exported around the world and in particular to the United States. Across the Atlantic, the recipe is the same, but on the other hand, there is no broad bean.. We explain why.

For protect yourself from a potential lawsuit and take no risk, traders do not put a bean in the cake. Indeed, they fear that their customers will break a tooth or choke on it and sue them, holding them responsible for the accident.

If Americans want a bean, so they must buy it separately and place it themselves in the cake. For example, the famous Maison Kayser chain no longer puts beans in the cakes it sells in the United States to avoid “surprising” its customers, astonished to find a porcelain object in their cakes.

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